Accepting the truth of the past and a dance

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As the camera pans to (Y/N), he is now awake holding his knees to his chest alone in the nurse's office sitting on the bed with the crushing realization that the beast all those years ago was him...."'m sorry..." (Y/N) put his head in his knees and started to cry but quickly wiped the tears as he heard the door open "(Y/N)?" A voice he recognized to be Blake's called out "I'm over here" he managed to speak but from his voice, it was obvious he was crying Blake came and sat next to him "I know you are going through a tough time knowing that you were the one responsible for back then can't be easy but we are your friends and teammates don't go pushing us away how about me and you go to the library for a little while get you out of this bed?" Blake of all people was comforting him and even offered to take him out for a bit "maybe that will help.." (Y/N) spoke getting up as he saw her bow twitch but said nothing

(Y/N) and Blake are talking as they go to the library "Hey Blake I've been meaning to ask why are you so nice to me?" She blushed a bit "Well we both don't exactly have the best pasts and we both are struggling so I thought I could be here with you when you needed help" Blake spoke as they walked into the library (Y/N) spent some reading up on various things to help with coping with the past much to Blake's discomfort as she was trying to get his mind off of that she eventually grabs his hand leading him out of the library past Ruby who was walking by when she saw Blake holding his hand as she dragged him along Ruby felt her chest hurt and ran to talk to Yang but in the meantime, Blake took (Y/N) to her favorite cafe as he eventually relaxed and started to be more like himself "hey..thanks Blake this means a lot that you would go out of your way for me like this" Blake smiled when she saw him smile again she felt her heart race a bit but brushed it off eventually they made their way back to beacon and (Y/N) was better than her started but still down a bit

Once the next semester started teams RWBY who had made up with Blake before deuces unlock of Ifrit and team JNPR along with the two-man team were sitting in the cafeteria as Nora was flicking grapes into yangs mouth while everyone was talking when Ruby suddenly dropped a big binder on the table catching everyone's attention spoke "sisters...friends...Weiss" Ruby said getting a "hey" from Weiss as she continued "Four score and seven minutes ago I had a dream" (Y/N) and Dante sweat dropped "a dream that one day the ten of us will come together as a team and have the most fun anyone ever had...ever!" Weiss pipes in "Did you steal my binder?" On the binder you could see Weiss's name crossed out in red marker as Ruby defended herself "I'm not a crook" she said making a peace sign with each hand as Blake spoke up "What are you going on about?" Ruby answered the cat girl's question "I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang" (Y/N) was about to say something when Yang spoke over him "I like to start my semester off with a yang!" (Y/N) dropped his head on the table from the terrible pun when Nora hit Yang with an apple yelling "boo!" Yang glared at Nora when Ruby spoke up again "Look guys it's been a good two weeks since the new semester started and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow which is why I've taken the liberty to schedule fun activities for us today" Weiss (Y/N) and Dante all spoke at once "I'm not sure whether to be excited or scared of what you have planned" Yang spoke up "a bit of both" she then threw an apple at Nora but missed and hit a random guy as he yelled "hey!" Blake gave her input "I'm not sure I might sit this out" (Y/N) nodded "I'm kinda with Blake on this one" Ruby's expression dropped then went back before anyone could notice as (Y/N) continued " I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I'm the dominant of ifrit" Blake patted (Y/N)s back as Weiss spoke up "we should do stuff as friends and everything it's not like we will be able to do this often" Dante nodded exactly I'm with Weiss on this" Weiss spoke up again "I for one think that-" her response was cut short when she got hit by a pie and everyone stopped for a second then looked to team JNPR as Nora was pointing at ren who was just facepalming when someone yelled "FOOD FIGHT"

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