Chapter Three

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After cheer practice, Skye and River went off to the Mystic Grill with our friends. I opted out and made my way into the woods. I walked for a good couple hours before my phone buzzed in my pocket. A text from Caroline.

<3 My Queen <3- Party tonight.

Me- Do I have to?

<3 My Queen <3- Pretty please?

Me- But im not a party guy

<3 My Queen <3- Nik please?

Me- alright alright.

Me- ill be there

Me- I love you <3

<3 My Queen <3- I love you too xoxoxo

I put my phone back in my pocket with a smile. I hate parties, but I'd go for her. Running my hand through my hair I started to walk home. I could hear the sounds of the party starting already, but I was not going to the party dressed in my school clothes. I vamp sped to the house and up to my room, rummaging through my closet as I threw on a white shirt, ripped skinny jeans and an open plaid flannel. Doing a once over in the mirror, I headed out towards the sounds of the party, opting to walk at a normal pace as I got texts from Skye saying she and Riv were also at the party. I winced at the loudness of the music as I got there..

I looked around for my friends and watched as Caroline drunkenly talked with Stefan. I listened as she offered him a drink, deciding to walk over to her. Thankfully he declined and made his way over to Elena.

"Hello love." I spoke as I gently grabbed her arm.

She smiled turning to me. She smelled heavily of alcohol already. "Nik."

I gently took the cup from her hands. "I think we need to get some water in you"

She wrapped her arms around me, kissing me sloppily. I gently pulled back, earning a pout. I wrapped an arm around her waist as I poured the rest of the cup out, magicking water into it before handing it back to her.

"Here love drink this." I spoke as she grabbed the cup again, drinking it.

My eyes glowed softly as I used a sobering spell on her as she leaned into me with a smile.

"Im glad you came." She spoke.

"Only for you"

"Lets go get you a drink. You need to relax more." She spoke with a hint of amusement as she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the drink set up.

I used my magic to find the girls and make sure they were behaving. I found Skye pressed against a tree sucking face with some guy from the class above us. At least she's having fun. My gaze moved to find River. I found her laughing with her friends and drinking. I'd have to make sure she didn't get too drunk or Nyx would wring my neck if I let her drink too much.

"Drink this." Care spoke as she handed me a cup of something.

I looked down at it before looking at her. She filled her own cup again. I knew it was a bad idea to drink, but this was a party after all. I could let loose for once right? Especially considering I had my goddess of a girlfriend smiling at me. I didnt think twice before gulping down the contents of my cup. The familiar burn of whiskey traveled across my chest.  She filled it again and used her free hand to pull me away as we walked into the woods.

I stumbled slightly, beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol already. Thats what I get for not eating the last two days. I downed my drink again as she pulled me along down to the hidden waterfall away from the life of the party. She did the same as she discarded her cup, her hands pushing against my chest as she leaned up to kiss me. I gently pushed her back against a tree as we madeout.

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