Chapter 1 "Another Life"

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"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Veronica didn't expect herself to agree to a trip to Italy so quickly. Yeah, what the hell? She was tired of being under the constant scrutiny of her step-aunt, who was always taking care of her instead of her parents; distant relatives of Henrietta Ledyanova. But what could Veronica expect from the people who abandoned her as soon as she let out her first cry after she was born? They had left her in a small basket near the shelter. Except that her aunt took her home with her. Actually, she couldn't expect anything from her parents. Some people have no sense of responsibility, even towards a life they have created. Apparently, responsibility was not in their blood and neither did they need it; just like they didn't need their own daughter.

Veronica's aunt had long ago decided that Veronica needed to see the world in a different light, because Veronica's rose-colored glasses were always concealing the reality from her. She was a dreamy person. So, Henrietta wanted to teach Veronica the real life: to never give up, to be smart, to be brave when required while facing new experiences and of course, to be fair to herself.

Having saved some money she received from her additional work as a seamstress, Henrietta decided to present Veronica with a trip to a warm sunny country where her relatives lived. Unfortunately, over the years any communication with them had been lost and she didn't cherish hopes of arranging her niece's stay at their place. But Henrietta decided to buy an inexpensive tour around Italy, which would let Veronica enjoy the true nature of the country.

Veronica Ledyanova was specializing in fashion design in her penultimate year at the university, because in her early childhood she had always liked to draw sketches of men and women's clothes. While she was studying with the money that her aunt had saved over years of painstaking work at the chocolate factory, she was running from the impenetrable reality. Peers and classmates always snubbed and teased her, because she was an offspring without kith or kin. Although, when was Veronica worried about what people thought of her? Never. However, whenever she came from the university in tears, her aunt immediately understood what was going on behind the walls of the prestigious institution-constant insults and misunderstandings from Veronica's so called friends from the university. Henrietta never wanted to limit Veronica from doing whatever she wanted. She was very attached to Veronica, despite her abrasive character. She didn't like it when her aunt taught her the truth of life. But Henrietta still loved Veronica like her own daughter and Veronica certainly understood how much she owed her aunt. That brave and kind fifty-five year old woman, whose hair was now slightly covered with grey streaks, had been raising Veronica over the years. Though Henrietta wasn't her real family, she was the closest person to her in the whole world. Not only because they knew each other's habits and characters so well, but also because a full understanding had developed between them over the years and they were willing to help each other at any time.