First Day at Forks High Part Two

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I get in line for lunch and I get a slice of pizza and a bottle of water and a bag of chips. I notice that the Cullens don't get very much to eat. We sit down and everyone stares at us. God I don't like being stared at. A pixie of a girl skips up to the table and sits on Jaspers lap. A brooding boy follows after her. Emmett introduces us. Alice and Edward. Huh. They have golden eyes too. The brooding one looks at me after I think that. Weird. Emmett doesn't seem to notice how quiet it is around the table. "So what do you do for fun Rowan?" Emmett asks. "Well I like to work on my 1995 ford mustang, I skateboard, play my guitar, go hiking and fishing and hunting with my Dad, oh and I like to play video games on my PS2 and Nintendo 64. I really like playing 007 on my Nintendo 64. I can kick my cousins ass on that game. That is when I'm not working at Newton's Olympic Outfitters. What do you guys like to do?" "Dude I love playing video games! We gotta play some time!" Emmett says excitedly. "Ok big guy we can maybe next week. Not this week." "Why not this week?" Rosalie asks. "I'm grounded for getting kicked out of the Quileute school. Got into a fist fight with my best friend." I explain. "What made you get into a fist fight with your best friend?!" Rosalie demands. "Well...I don't know if you all know that most of the reservation doesn't like you guys. I don't understand why. Your Dad does great work at the hospital. I don't like it when people judge other people so I told my friend off and he punched me. So I punched him back but I got blamed for starting the fight. So here I am." I say. "Is that where you got the shiner under your eye mam?" Jasper asks. "Yup. So what do you guys like to do for fun?" I change the topic. "I love to go shopping and anything fashion related and I love art." Alice says. "I love history. I read loads of history and war books." Jasper adds. "I'm very much interested in music and listen to all types of music. I also play the piano." Edward says. I look expectantly at Rosalie. She smiles at me and my heart skips a beat. "I enjoy working on cars, reading, and I enjoy art and shopping." Rosalie says. "That's cool we all have similar interests. We'll definitely have to hang out sometime guys." I say. "The bell is about to ring guys we'd better throw out our trash." Alice says and we all get up and throw out the trash. I grab my backpack and Emmett and Rosalie and I go to English class. I get the teacher to sign my paperwork and then I sit between Emmett and Rosalie in the back row. Apparently we're in the middle of Romeo and Juliet. That's cool. I've read it already for Mrs. Williams at the reservation so I won't be lost. "If you need help with the story or anything really I'll be glad to help you." Rosalie says and touches my arm. Though her touch was cool it was also tingly. I grab her hand and squeeze it thanking her. We turn to listen to the teacher then. After reading through Romeo and Juliet the bell rings and it's gym class. Apparently none of the Cullens have that with me. Emmett my loyal friend shows me where the gym is and is off to his own class. After changing in the bathroom I hand my paperwork to the gym teacher. Coach Clapp signs my paperwork and informs us we'll be playing dodgeball. Awesome. I get picked last though. No one talks to me. They all stare at me though. Ugh. Glad this is the last period of the day. I'm tired of the stares. I dodge, duck and jump out of the way. I catch a ball here and there. By the end of the game I'm sweaty and the bell rings ending the day. I go and change in the bathroom. Glad that it's the end of the day. I grab my backpack and go out to my car. I throw my bag in my car. I wave to the Cullens and get in my car and drive home to take a shower before going to work.

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