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As I approached the familliar doorstep of my next-door neighbor, Mrs.Rodriquez, I could already hear the faint um of a television set and Natalie's cheerful giggling.

I knocked on the door, which swung open, revealing the warm, and welcoming exspression of Mrs. Rodriquez "Hi, Jimena," she greeted, her smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. Mrs. Rodriquez was a kind older lady who lived alone in the apartment next to mine. She was a good person and would often offer to pick up and look after Natalie after school.

I trusted her, and it was a kindness I would forever be indebted to.

"I came to pick up Natalie," I spoke, returning her smile.

"Naty" The woman turned her head. "Your mommy is here"

As she turned back to face me, I caught her staring at my uniform, silently judging me. Knowing what was about to come, I fidgeted wit the ends of my dress.

"Jimena, do you relly have to work for that family? Isn't there any other way?"

she asked, her tone heavy with concern.

I shrugged, the weight of her words settling heavily on my shoulders.

"I have to pay the bills somehow, Mrs. Rodriquez, and the diner just wasn't enough,

"I explained. "I"d also like to buy someting new for Natalie once in a while."

Truthfully, I didn't need muc for myself, but I wanted Naty to grow up without a constant cloud of worry hanging over her head.

A sight left Mrs.Rodriquez's lips, followed by pitiful frown.

"I"m not a big fan of that family, Jimena," she didn't mind giving her opinion.

"You must be oblivious to the real state of that family since you've only been here for a few month"

Hoping she would drop the conversation, I waved my hands dismissively.

"Oh well" She looked around nervously, so no one could hear us, before leaning in closer.

"It"s so bad they've even run the authorities out of the city.

Everything belongs to the Fanuccis."

A chill ran down my spine but I quickly pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the sound of light footsteps approacing.

"Hi, Mommy" Maty's voice broke through my toughts, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Her dark brown hair was not quite as neatly braided as I left it in the morning, but her rosy cheaks dimpling with her wide smile made up fot that mess.

Mrs.Rodriquez patted Natalie's head, showing her affection. Natalie was the spitting omage of me, from her long brown hair to er warm brown eyes. I was grateful every day that se bore no resemblance to that monster.

"Naty has already had dinner and taken a shower. She's ready for bed"

"Thanks you, Mrs.Rodriquez."

"B-Bed?" Naty's Face fell, a tiny pout forming on her lips.

"Awh, but I didn't even get to spend time with you today, Mommy"

"Tomorrow, Naty," I reached out, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear before offering Mrs.Rodriquez a final smile.

Then I took Naty's hand in mine as we made our way to our apartment.


As we at at the table, Naty immediately reached to pull a drawing from her backpack.

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