The Stalke- Pshycologist...

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You have recently started working as a psychologist.

While you were sitting in the office suddenly another client entered, when you looked at him you saw that it was Hayden Christensen.

"Hello can I come in? " He stood at the threshold waiting for your permission.

"Of course, come in." You smiled politely.

He walked in slowly, his eyes seemed a bit tired and empty, he slowly sat down on his chair and said, "thank you."

"No problem." You gave him a friendly nod. "So, Mr. Christensen, what brings you here?" You asked as you grabbed your notebook from the desk and placed it on your lap with a pen in your right hand.

He exhaled in a calm voice. "I've had trouble sleeping, I mean I do sleep but it's like I'm in a bad dream" he said while staring at the floor "I've been feeling stressed and anxious" he paused for a bit then said "I feel like I'm being followed"

"I see," you nodded before writing it down, "and what does the thought of being followed make you feel? Does it make you...angry or...scared?" You asked curiously.

He exhaled again, his face looked a bit more panicked. "Scared, I'm very anxious, I even feel like I'm going crazy" he paused for a bit and said "Sometimes I hear footsteps but I check and there's no one"

"Do you think it could be possible it's all just in your mind? Like some sort of illusions?" You asked carefully, not wanting to hit a nerve.

"I don't know" he replied quietly. After a pause he continued "I just feel like there's someone watching me all the time " he continued in a bit of a more nervous voice "I can't even calm down, I feel so tense, I can't stop looking over my shoulder, " he said while fidgeting with the collar of his shirt

"That must be very exhausting, huh?" You asked as you looked at him with slight pity in your eyes. You could see how tense and anxious he gets by talking about it.

"Very exhausting" he said with a small sigh "I just want this feeling to disappear, I'm afraid, I don't know what's happening to me..." he continued in a bit more of a panicked tone "I just don't understand why..." he continued, trying to calm down to no avail.

"Have you considered hiring someone to protect you? Like a bodyguard. I mean, you do have the money for it." You said, obviously you knew who he was and that this man doesn't exactly struggle with money.

"Maybe, maybe..." He said slowly. He remained silent for a couple of seconds then exhaled, he continued "But what if I'm not being followed? Then it would be a waste of money" he said, you could hear the hesitation in his voice.

"True, but it's not a healthy lifestyle you'd be living if this continues on. You coukd risk getting depressed because of the lack if sleep and the constant feeling of worry." You said sincerly, after all, you are trying to help him.

"I mean, you're right..." he said. He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds then said "But something inside tells me that I'm right, that it's not just my brain playing tricks on me"

"I keep having this feeling that i should watch my back 24/7" he continued, the tone in his voice was getting a bit more panicked.

𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧  ⇢𝘐𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘐𝘕𝘌𝘚⇠Where stories live. Discover now