Why So Nervous?

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It's 2005, on set of 'Revenge of the Sith.' As Hayden's makeup artist, you frantically made your way to his trailer, up the steps, and swung the door open.

"You're late, as per usual." A familiar voice teases.

Hayden was sitting casually on a stool in his trailer. He was getting ready. His hair was down and blowing in the wind as he stared out of his trailer at the sprawling desert outside.

He was still wearing an old Jedi robe, with a few pieces of makeup on his face.

"Sorry, Mr. Christensen, it's just that..." you stammered, feeling slightly nervous as you barely got the sentence out, and then trailed off.

Hayden was silent for a moment. He turned his head to face you. His stare was powerful. And even from a few feet away, you saw those crystal clear blues eyes staring right through you.

"It's just that what, exactly?" Hayden asked. It wasn't a demanding question but it felt like more of a demand in that moment.

You felt his gaze pierce straight into your soul, and the tension mounted, filling the air with an unbearable silence.

"I, I-" was all you could manage to say as you shifted nervously on the spot. "Well, I just had some problems at home that needed to be solved before leaving the house..."

Hayden's gaze softened. The moment of tension passed. "I see," he said.

As the seconds passed, Hayden kept staring with those piercing blue eyes of his, then finally looked away, toward the desert again.

"Anyway-" he mumbled. "Let's just do this already."

"Of course." You answered, relieved the silence had been broken. You turned around, searching for the various makeup products you needed.

As you were gathering the tools of the trade, Hayden's voice came up behind you. "Can I ask you a quick question?"

You were surprised by how close he came to you while speaking. His breath hit your neck, and you felt suddenly overwhelmed by the mere intensity of his presence.

"Um... yea, sure," you replied, already feeling anxious at what he might ask next.

"Are you... nervous?" His rich voice asked, suddenly so much closer.

That intense stare was back. Hayden was watching you closely, a hint of amusement in his blue eyes. He tilted his head slightly, as if expecting an answer to a question he already knew the answer to.

"Um..." your voice trailed off. "Why would I be-"

Hayden interrupted. A smirk was growing on his lips as he watched you. It was clear he knew the answer to his own question already.

"You're scared." He said, teasing you.

You felt a sudden rush of embarrassment. Your cheeks were burning.

Was it possible that this successful, talented actor could tell that you were nervous from the mere sound of your voice? "No... I'm not," you said quickly, trying your best to sound as if it were true.

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