Soon to be Mrs. Christensen

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"It's no problem," Hayden says, rubbing his cheek to help hide his flush. You'd went to high school together, not that you probably remember. He was the awkward kid who had a silent crush on you. Now he's the firefighter that's been getting your cat down from trees. "Always ready to help you. I mean, help anyone. You, too, obviously."

He tries to laugh, but it comes out wrong. Lord. Somehow you still make him feel like he's that weird high schooler all over again.

"Well, thanks again, Hayden." You chuckled, a sweet smile lingering on your lips.

Hayden almost melts at your smile. God, he's always been so gone for you, ever since high school. He could never muster up the courage to tell you then, but now he's a firefighter and has literally saved your cat from a tree twice. If that's not a love story waiting to happen, he doesn't know what is.

Hayden gives a shy, lopsided grin, his heart swelling. God, he's such a mess around you. "No problem at all."

He lets out another awkward laugh as he tries to subtly look you over to make sure you're okay. The cat is cradled in your arms as if it was a newborn baby.

The cat is purring contently in your arms, oblivious to the chaos it has caused. Hayden looks at the two of you for a moment, and in his mind he's totally imagining how it'd be like to have a future with you, with a little family of your own. He quickly shakes that thought away before he gets too ahead of himself and embarrasses himself even more.

"You guys will be okay?" He asks quietly, clearing his throat as he tries to get himself together. He could literally stand here and talk to you forever, but he knows he needs to get back to work so he's not too obvious with his feelings.

"Well, I sure hope so," you chuckled, looking down at your cat who was still purring in your arms.

His expression softens as he looks at you again, his gaze lingering on your face for a couple seconds longer than it should. Hayden wishes he could invite you out to coffee or something, but that wouldn't be very professional of him, now would it? "That damn cat keeps getting up high, huh?" He adds with a chuckle.

His expression softens as he looks at you again, his gaze lingering on your face for a couple seconds longer than it should. Hayden wishes he could invite you out to coffee or something, but that wouldn't be very professional of him, now would it? "That damn cat keeps getting up high, huh?" He adds with a chuckle.

"Oh, tell me about it," you sighed dramatically, a grin creeping onto your face.

His laugh is soft and genuine as he hears your laugh, making his heart beat faster. He wishes he could make you laugh forever. He's been silently pining after you for what feels like forever.

"Definitely has a death wish," Hayden jokes, rubbing the back of his neck. "Gotta be careful before he gets himself stuck somewhere else."

"The little rascal," you chuckle, the cat letting out a meow. "Always causing trouble. I swear he's doing it on purpose just to give me anxiety," you sigh, ruffling the cat's ears.

Meanwhile, he's literally dying on the inside as he watches you lovingly interact with your cat.

His smile grows as he watches you with your cat, the way your features soften as you pet the little troublemaker with love. He finds it so unbearably endearing. "He's lucky he's cute, huh?" Hayden teases, his heart fluttering.

A lighthearted laugh escapes you, that beautiful sound making his heart skip a beat all over again. "Yeah, he is," you agree, stroking the cat's head affectionately. "Even if he's causing me gray hairs, I can't stay mad at him for long. He's too adorable."

𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧  ⇢𝘐𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘐𝘕𝘌𝘚⇠Where stories live. Discover now