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It also started as an ordinary day. It was just Saturday. I left the house and sat on the log in front of our house. Then Edward appeared behind me!

Gina!-I suddenly turned back. I got scared!


I had to do it! I couldn't let the Volturi find her and hurt her! For those who don't know, the Volturi are a very old, influential family! Bad vampires! I'm a vampire too! And Gina knows that too! Even the Volturi know about its existence. They want him. My love for him is stronger than anything. That's why I have to leave it here! I can't let him get hurt. Gina doesn't know about their existence. And I don't even want you to know. I want to protect him from this world as much as I can.


I was getting worried! His voice and his look were also strange!

Come with me!-he said. I started following. We ended up in the forest.

We have to leave Forks here!-he began.

Why?-I asked back.

Carlisle is supposed to be 10 years older. And this is starting to become apparent to many people!-he explained.

Okay, but I have to figure out what to tell my brother!

This is the plural...

It covers me and my family!

Listen, what happened is nothing...

Nothing, just what I expected! And nothing compared to what could have happened. You just don't belong in my world!

I belong to you!-I insisted.

No! You don't belong to me!-he tried to shake it off.

I am going with you!

No! I don't want him to come!-this sentence hit me in the heart.

You do not want me?


Everything is so different! Other!

But if it's not too much to ask, could you do something for me? Take good care of yourself! For your brother's sake! And I promise you something in return! This is the last time you will see me! I'm not coming back! And you can live your life without me interfering! It will be like I never existed, I promise!

If it's because of my soul, take her, I don't have to be without you!-I tried to convince her.

Not for your soul! You're just not for me!

I am not good enough?

My only regret is that I dragged this out for so long.

Please! No!

I'm with you!-he pressed a kiss on my forehead and disappeared!

Edward? Edward!!-I started to cry. Meanwhile, I started running in the forest. But in vain. I could not find it. I gathered strength and started back. In the meantime, I tried to pull myself together so Zack wouldn't see how broken I was.

I'm here!-I shouted as I closed the door.

Hi, sister!-he greeted me from the kitchen.

There was a small shoe cabinet next to the door. Above it is a hanger. So I took off my coat and hung it on the hanger. And I also replaced my boots with slippers. Then I went to where I heard my brother's voice earlier. And I guessed right! He was really active in the kitchen!

What's wrong?-he asked as if he could see into my head. Seriously! How do you know something is wrong?

There is nothing...

Come on, I can see something wrong with you! Did you cry?

No way! I'm fine! But really!

Gina!! Did that guy hurt you? Edward?

Edward and his family are leaving!-I told him, fighting back my tears.

Then he came to me and hugged me tightly.

Do not Cry! You shouldn't cry because of such a boy! Does not deserve! Let him go if he wants! Show him that you can be happy without him!

You're right!

Come on! I cooked eggs! Eat well!

All right! Thanks!-I ate the egg and went up to my room, which was upstairs.

I sat down on the bed and just stared in front of me. I didn't move for two hours. During this time, every minute spent with Edward flashed before my eyes! Zack pulled me out of my thoughts.

Gina! Are you okay? I brought a mug of hot tea!

Yes, and thank you!-he handed me the mug and I started sipping the tea.

Lie down and rest! Forget about that idiotic cottage cheese dumpling!

Good!-I laughed at the name.

Sweet dreams!

Good night!-I greeted him.

With that he left my room. I drank my tea and put the mug on my bedside table. I hid under my covers and fell asleep with a broken heart!

Gina the Werewolf/Twilight FF./Where stories live. Discover now