Losing A Brother

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Unfortunately, Billy has left. That's why we couldn't talk to him.

I went home to my brother.

When I got home, he was greeted by a terrible sight. At first it was strange that the door was slightly open. Then when I went in, it got worse. The whole house was upside down. Everything was tossed around. Everything in the kitchen was broken. Literally like 100 burglars looking for something.

My brother was lying on the floor in the living room.

Brother! What happened? What are you doing?-I asked in horror.

They destroyed us.-he chanted.

Who? Who ruined it?

They came back. The Cullens.-he said breathlessly.

Yes, I know.-I said sadly.

Have you talked to them? That asshole wasn't looking for you, was he?!-he suddenly turned to me.

No, of course not. News travels fast.

I will kill them.-he began to say.

It was difficult to get the boy to the hospital. On the way he explained about the Cullens.

Zack Kaltenbach?-a nurse called my brother.

It's here!-I answered.

Come with me, please!-he said to the boy.

Where are you taking him? What's happening now?-I asked.

We have to do some tests.-with that they left. After about an hour of waiting, they came out of the room.

What happened? Everything is alright?

Soon a psychologist will come and examine his brother in his own way. Until then, I ask you to wait.-said the nurse.

Zack started getting worse. And he kept saying that he was going to kill Edward.

Finally, the psychologist came and called my brother in.

When he came out, he told me what was wrong with Zack. I swear I didn't understand a single bit of it.

Here you go? What? What does that mean? Could you please tell me in some understandable language??

The bottom line is that something has come up in your brother's mind that has made him very nervous in the past. In months or even years. His nervous system couldn't take it anymore.-he explained to me.

The doctor sent the boy to a special hospital. He said he wasn't sure he would recover. It could be worse. And then they take him to an institution. They are thrown in among the other healers. I thought I was going to die on the spot. But I had to pull myself together. I knew I couldn't be weak or this would happen to me.

Gina the Werewolf/Twilight FF./Where stories live. Discover now