[Finale] Apologize

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Today, I went back to school for the first time in weeks. I never apologized to Aries for attacking him, let alone Mrs. Petal, so that's a must. So far, my to-do list is:

•Apoligize to Aries + Mrs. Petal

•Explain to my friends why I haven't been to school in weeks

•Go to therapy after school

But of course, none of those were too easy. I was kind of nervous to face Aries. I knew he'd be really mad at me for attacking him like that.

Aries reminds me of a childhood friend. Of course, this friend was nowhere near as obsessed with me as Aries is. He was a Shiny Jolteon. I forgot his name, I think it was Spade? Yeah, he loved me. When we moved, it stopped. But from what I remember, he was nice and kind, and I liked him, too - as a friend. He brought me flowers every Valentines Day. Even though he knew I didn't like him, he knew I was okay with being friends. He was, too.

Then we moved, and it's like deja vu, except it's a hungry Flareon. I don't know why Aries likes me so much. He offered me money, and I turned him down. But it seems there are more tricks up his fluff.

Before I can think more about my to-do list, I go to homeroom, make an E-Pass, and rush to the library, where I look for a book in the romance section. When I look for what I need, I go to the librarian.

"Hello, Mrs. Day. Could I check this out?" Mrs. Day nods. "Hello, Snowfall. It's been a while. Yes, you may," she says, checking out the book with a beep. "I also have this to turn in." I hand her the Arceus' Art book about Miscolored Shinies.

"Hm. I read this in middle school." I tilt my head. "You did?" She nods again. "Yep. I've always wanted to be a Miscolored Shiny. You're one of the luckiest students in this school, y'know that? I know about you and Aries."

"You do?" I yelp frantically. "Yes. I don't think you know how much he loves you." It was weird now that even the librarian knew. But I know that now that she's talking about it, this conversation is one of the two things i can't escape, the other one being Aries.

I sigh. If there's one thing Pokémon have told me this school year, it was that. "You're right. I don't realize." I pause. "But then again, I don't want to realize." Mrs. Day looked at me. "It will only make things better," she proclaimed.

"Yes, but I'm not interested in him. And he keeps trying to pry me open. Like a clam." I said. "Tsk, tsk." Mrs. Day said. She returned the book as I walked out. I had to find Aries. This couldn't go on any longer!

Aries was chatting with his friends in front of the lockers. Snowfall approached him. "Aries?" Aries turned to me. "Hey, Snowfall! What is it?"

"I'm so, so sorry. I really am." I said. "Don't bother apologizing. It's okay. Nothing you do is wrong." He said as I stared at him. "What do you mean? Why do you treasure me? Why am I special? Why me?" I snapped. "Snowfall..." I interrupted him. "Can't you see? I am the Glaceon that prowls in the myths. I am the Glaceon that freezes hearts, attacks innocent people, and kills mercilessly." Aries slowly shook his head. "No, you're much more than that." But I refuse to believe it. I can't - I will never - think of myself as beautiful.

"Snowfall? If you're going to act like this, I won't accept your apology." I sighed. "Well, I have to apologize. What do you want as a sorry?" I asked, my head dipped. "How is your Friday looking?" He asked. I look up. "You're really not going to ask me out, are you?" I asked.

"Depends. Are you free on Friday?" I nod slowly. "Let's meet up somewhere. How about the movies? Somewhere exciting." I looked at him, and for the first time, a faint smile shown through.

On Friday, we met up after school. "Where are you taking me?" I asked Aries, looking around his dark marble home. "Wherever you want to go." I looked at him, my mouth quivering. "Let me go home," I say. He smiled. "Home is wherever I'm with you."

I smile at him. "Let's eat somewhere," I say. Aries nods and smiles.

He takes me to a fancy restaurant. "Hello, madame." Says a waiter as he stands in front of our table. "Can I please have a Pokécola?" I ask. Aries gets the same thing. "Two Pokécolas, coming right up." The waiter says cooly.

"So, what do you do in your free time?" I ask the Flareon. "I practice football with Deegan, Obsidian, and Julian. Do you do anything with your friends?" I nod. "Me and my friends like to go on vacations. Like the one time I went to the Bahamas not too long ago."

"That must've been so fun. However, I kissed your occasional yell during class. It was so quiet without you," Aries said as I laughed. "You know, Aries... I'm sorry about everything. All the fights, the scars, your frostbite..." I say. He cut me off short. "It's okay. I still love you," he said. I giggled again.

The next day, we went to a hangout area near a lake. There was a pavilion, and around it, palm trees with lights strung in between them, and in front of that; the lake. Under the pavilion, Snowfall and Aries lounged around on the sofa.

"I'm grateful to have you," I said. "I've never thought anything good of Flareons since I were attacked. But you helped me see through it. I'm sorry it was hard to get to me."

Aries chuckled. "Don't worry about it," he said. I laid down against his warm fur, which, for the first time in my life; felt really comfortable. I looked up at him. He smiled down at me. Then, we leaned in and kissed.

"Awh, who's my favorite Glaceon?" Icicle said from behind a nearby palm tree.

"Wha-? Have you been spying on us?" I said, laughing. "Annual stakeout. I knew you two were meant for each other!" Icicle exclaimed. "Is there anybody else with you?"

"Riptide, Autumn! Stop being lovey dovey and come out here! We did it!" Icicle called. Autumn gasped. "We did?! You two are together now? Yay!"

We all celebrated. Someone else, though, was there with us - and they were not happy.

A figure growled from behind the bushes. "I don't see why I can't have Aries, and you can't have Snowfall. It makes perfect sense, but apparently, Arceus doesn't think so."

A second figure nodded in agreement, then when the moons light hit his skin as he rose from behind the shrub, his blue rings began to glow.

"Obsidian! Get down, they'll see your rings!" Said the first figure's frantic voice as Obsidian dove back into the shrub, and the blue glow quickly faded.

"For a 'quiet Leafeon', you sure know how to drag attention." Said Obsidian, rolling his yellow eyes. "Whatever," Carleigh spat as she focused back on Aries. Watch out. You're mine, Aries.


End of book


Money Won't Buy Friendship [Book Two]

All significant characters:

Snowfall [Main]
Aries [Main]

Thank you for reading. See you in book two: Money Won't Buy Friendship!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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