Chapter 1: Rescued

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The team stands there guns held straight out and pointed, ready to strike at a moment's notice. 

They hear three gunshots ring out from the room. Sergeant Hank Voight could not help but feel his stomach flip in knowing the woman he referred to as his own daughter Erin Lindsay was within those walls. But he remained focused, trusting that she was doing what was necessary to save Jay Halstead. He had to believe those words as it was the only way he would survive.

The pair of big brown doors to the office open up either direction, revealing a blood-covered Erin Lindsay. From some angles, you would not be able to tell how soaked she was due to wearing a red shirt. But it was covered, from her shoulder all the way down to her waist on the left side. It was not dripping yet, but it was pretty close with just how much of the bodily fluid had soaked into the fabric.

Every single team member tried to read the emotions on her face, in wondering whose blood it was. She did not appear to be crying or in pain, so it could not be her own. She was not freaking out, requesting immediate medical assistance, so it could not be Jay's - or could it be? 

Adam Ruzek's eyes then noticed the gun in her hand, along with more blood to go with what was on her shirt. He then glanced back to her eyes, now knowing the state she was. She had just shot someone. She was in a state of shock based on the actions in what she had seen and done. They saw it all the time on scenes of crimes with victims unable to relay details. 

Why hadn't none of them moved yet? What if Jay was needing immediate assistance? This was supposed to be about saving Jay!

"Erin, you okay?" Antonio Dawson asks, locking eyes with her. He was the closest of those with Jay, having helped get Jay inside the unit after a successful robbery and homicide gig. He knew he would wear this more than anybody if something happened as he felt as though he should be looking out for him due to the initial introduction.

"Yeah," she simply replies with a nod, which was all Antonio needed to know. She knew Antonio's feelings and how he worked. He also knew how to read her better than anyone. The nod said more than the single word, as he knew that meant Jay had to be okay.

Adam took her moving out of the room as a reason to make his move, finally following his instinct to go inside the room and survey the situation. He hadn't heard any movement since Erin had come out, which gave him a bit of comfort and worry. No movement meant there should be no threats once he was inside. No movement also meant Jay was not moving much, and that did not sit well with him. 

Antonio and Kevin quickly followed their partner, both having their own reasons in doing so. Antonio wanted to ensure Jay was okay and help him as much as needed. The video he had watched of him being tortured less than 24 hours ago had him knowing his partner would be in a world of hurt, and certainly need medical attention as much as he would deny it. Kevin, meanwhile, wanted to be there to cover for Adam should anything go wrong. He did not want to have to explain to Kim that her fiance had gotten hurt due to no one covering him. 

Erin took another few steps forward, handing over the gun to Hank with a nod as she did so. He simply nodded his head back in return, understanding the silent confirmation that once again Jay would be okay. She had followed through her promise in saving him, and that's all that mattered. 

Hank pocketed the gun, though knew this was just the beginning of the road with her. He could tell the events had affected her mentally, and the stiffness wondered what other physical things she was dealing with. Let's face it - she had been popping pills and drowning bottles just days before.

Erin then walked over to Alvin, offering the same type of nod to him as she still could not find the words to put in place for what had transpired within those walls, or the past couple weeks for that matter. Just like Hank, though, he knew what she would be saying if words were escaping her lips. It would be confirmation of everything being okay, and a bonus thank you. It was obvious by the blood and nod that she had used the carbon fibre shank he had slipped to her before leaving the district.

"I need medical in here!" Adam's voice rang out, catching the immediate attention of Hank and Alvin. They both wanted to worry about Erin and be there for her, but there was a reason everybody had made their way to the mansion that day. Jay! Hank and Alvin lock eyes in knowing it was going to be a divide and conquer day with the kids.

"You are not getting paramedics in here to carry me out!" Jay's voice rings out in return, bringing both relief and a chuckle to Hank in hearing it. It was certainly great to hear his voice once again, even if it was because he was not listening to the orders he was given. It was good to see he had not changed one bit since everything that happened. "I can walk my own self out of here!" 

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