Chapter 10: An Agreement with Hank

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Her left hand rests on the waistline of her jeans, where a familiar clip also rested. Her hand found its way on top of the badge that had been clipped there, just like the past years since she became a police officer. It was just part of her regular wardrobe now.

It had felt so right to hand it over to Hank that late afternoon in the bar, but it felt even more right to clasp it back on there earlier that morning. It was almost like assurance everything would be alright in having her familiar piece of equipment where it belonged. 

She almost felt now, if she handed it back over to her boss, she would be giving away everything she had earned back in regaining it. All the progress of healing and moving forward would be erased. 

Did she still have a job with Intelligence? She heard from Jay yesterday morning that her furlong period was supposed to end today. Did it end before she got it, or before she stood now in the office? How did this incident affect that happening? 

"Hank, I think I'd like to hang on to this," she finally breaks the silence that had come over the room with her lost in thought. The entire time the words slip from her mouth, her hand does not leave where it rested on top of it. However, the realization brought forth another reality from the day. She hadn't heard anything since they had been separated the scene. How was he? Was he truly okay? There shouldn't be anything to worry about since Hank was not panicking right now? "Listen, I'm sorry if it took Jay being taken for me to realize how much this means to be, but-"

"Listen Erin," Hank starts with a deep breath of his own as he does not take his eyes off of her. 

He was proud to see that she was wanting to take responsibility and do the right thing. He was glad to see the daughter he had grown to love was shining through, and now continuing down the rabbit hole she was in. Perhaps he could enough to save her and bring her back a second time - or wait, this time should probably be credited to Jay. 

"You want to hold on to your badge, there's conditions," he continues, having thought over a couple times as to what the rules of the road would be. He knew the next two things he said would be easy for her to follow. It was the third step that would bring forth a mix of emotions and perhaps cause an issue. "For starters, you're gonna live with me and take weekly drug tests."

Neither of those details scared Erin, to be honest. She had grown used to living with Hank for nine years before finding a place of her own. She moved in with him when she was 16-years-old, grew up under his roof and escaped the crap she was in during that time. It had been the best thing to happen to her as it allowed her a reset on life, and a chance to do things right. It had paid off as look where she was now.

She also knew the weekly drug tests would be easy to pass. She didn't want to repeat this feeling again. She hated the shakes, the craving for more, and the vomit rising from her throat. She hated having to depend on something else for happiness, and how it affected her judgement when doing things. After the way the past week had gone, it was safe to say those drugs were in the past where they belonged.

"I can do that," she states clearly and concisely, as Hank expected. Those were the easy steps. Now what would her reaction be to a third condition?

"And there's one more thing," he begins, as she looks at him puzzled. 

She wondered if it dealt with Jay. What if he was breaking them up? What if he didn't want her to be so close to him? It didn't make sense considering it was that man who had caused her to change her feelings. It didn't make sense in knowing how much they cared about each other, and wanted to be there for one another. It's not like anyone would have come looking for her on a afternoon and she had just risked her life to save him. Wasn't that worth something? 

What other condition could there be that would be so serious? 

"What's that?" She finally asks, as Hank takes a deep breath. It was time for her to face the music, whether she liked it or not. He had mentioned it before. He had implied it every time she came around and tried to insert herself in Erin's life. It seemed as soon as she was showing up, other things were falling off the rails.

"I want you to sever all ties with your mother," Hank lays it out clearly. "Bunny is the cancer of your life, and we both know it. Take it or leave it." 

Erin takes a deep breath, nodding her head as she knew the moment she said no the deal would be over and the badge would have to leave her hip. Her future as a cop would be gone, and she wasn't about to give up fighting.

She loved her mother. She knew her mother meant well in some ways with how she looked out for her. She also wanted to try and be the person to help her mother.

But there was no denying Hank was right in those words. It seemed to be one thing after another with Bunny that kept sending her down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. It was Bunny that pushed her further down this time, supplying the pills and place to drink. It was Bunny that did not try to talk her out of it or do the right thing. How could a mother just do that to their child? 

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