Chapter 6: The Outlook

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"We need to take his statement as soon as possible," the Internal Affairs agent tells Ethan as he stands in the hallway. 

Ethan had been looking over the test results from everything he had ordered for Jay in the hallway in his Ipad, trying to put together a proper list of his injuries from everything that happened. It was not pretty, and certainly extensive. However, he was comfortable in saying he knew he would be okay, and that was all that mattered considering what had happened. 

It was midway through glancing at the results the agent had walked up to him along with his partner, demanding a chance to speak to Jay in knowing he was conscious in the room behind them. It was clear they wanted to get through doing their job for the day, for better or worse. He just hoped whatever it was they were needing, it did not result in anyone involved getting in trouble. They did not deserve that after what Jay had already gone through.

"He was just tortured for the past 24 hours due to being kidnapped while trying to take down one of the biggest drug dealers," Ethan reminds the pair of officers. He knew knowing the full details was not allowed with an active investigation. However, everybody in Chicago knew that much and he was not afraid to use that information for his benefit right now. "He is finally getting the chance to take a break, a breather if you will, and relax for the first time. He is also suffering from significant injuries from head to toe. I would assume you would have a bit of sympathy for an officer that was harmed in the line of duty. You will be allowed to see him as soon as he is cleared for that conversation, and is up for wanting to talk to you."

Ethan makes his way inside the room, purposely closing the sliding door behind him as he does so to prevent the officers from following. He noticed the reluctant change of clothes that Jay now wore, changed out of the torn blue shirt and black dress pants to a hospital gown.  Ethan knew if it was up to the man in the bed, he would have chose to be adorning no clothes at all. 

"We both know protocol is that no one is allowed to see you or speak with you except your medical staff until IAD gets your statement," Ethan states as he walks over, lifting the edge of the gown to observe Jay's left side. He wanted to ensure the bandages put in place with the ointment for the burns had not shifted since. He also wanted to check up on the bruising that he had seen forming there earlier. "Will was very upset with that, and was ready to come see you in claiming he was medical staff. I advised him against that in not wanting to risk getting you in trouble. I told him he could see you soon enough, while assuring him you were okay and under my care. So please co-operate with me so I don't have to lie to your brother." 

"Thank you for talking to him," Jay comments as he lets out a sigh. It seemed the adrenaline had worn off fully, as the extent of what he had endured was starting to hit him harder than he realized. Perhaps staying overnight for observation was a good idea in his condition. "I'd actually rather not see him right now. I don't need him seeing me like this. I don't need his orders right now to take care of myself." 

"You're right, because that's my job." Jay just rolls his eyes in return, as he never liked adhering to doctor orders. They always made things more complicated than they needed to be. He knew his body and how he was feeling. He was sore right now, could use a bit of rest, but would fine by morning. He could handle everything he was under. What else was there to say? "Major concussion. That means 24 to 48 hours relaxing doing nothing at all as the symptoms are going to be severe. Let me know if it becomes too much, whether a headache or the naus-"

"I feel dizzy, I feel a little sick, but I am fine. I'll be sure to tell you before I throw up on you though." Ethan could only shake his head in disgust in the comment, but was not surprised. At least Jay had not lost himself in the midst of what happened. That was always one of the biggest worries - the events changing the person in a bad way.

"10 stitches to the cut in your forehead that you politely told Gabby was nothing to worry about. The bruising on your face, combined with the concussion, may cause swelling around the right eye so don't be surprised if have issues for the next bit due to that. Your left kidney is still concerning to me. The little bit of urine from earlier had a bit of red in it, and the bruising is not a pretty sight. At least your blood pressure has come up from when Gabby brought you in. I would suggest closely monitoring it and ensuring it does not get worse. If it gets wors-"

"I am not going through surgery no matter what. I will be fine, Ethan." Ethan lets out a sigh, as he knew why Jay wanted to avoid surgery. That meant his healing time would be longer, and he would be stuck at home or behind a desk. He knew that was certainly not something the detective would take lightly, always having to keep himself busy.

 "You don't get to make the call if it gets worse. Well, you can, but then you will be dead and I don't want to be answering to our brother or Hank when that happens." Jay knew there was also one more name that needed to be added to the list, but kept her name out of it from now in not wanting to draw attention her way. "Second and third degree burns on both sides. Bandages to be changed three times a day, ointment applied each time should hopefully heal them. If they do not begin to heal, a skin graft would be necessary. No significant muscle damage to your shoulders from being tied up above the ground. No muscle damage, just the light bruising around your wrists. Two cracked ribs on the left side. No rib damage on the right side. Thankfully no internal chest damage from those whip marks. Your other stats look goo-"

"So in other words, I am going to be okay and I should be allowed to go home tonight to rest." Ethan could not help but chuckle a bit at the comment as he shook his head no.

"Gabby may have put in a good word for you, but you're staying overnight for observation. The concussion and kidneys require that." 

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