Chapter 2: Medical Attension

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"You have to be the most stubborn man that I know," Antonio comments as he reaches his hand out, allowing Jay to grip it as he slowly stands up. Jay almost falls back, with Antonio wrapping an arm around his shoulders to catch him before he does so. "This is why Adam suggested you wait for medical to come in here and see you." 

"I just fought off two badasses and can use my own two feet," Jay states as he brushes off Antonio's hold on his shoulders. 

He had been subjected to a man's instructions and beatings for at least 12 hours. He had withstood everything thrown at him without giving away any information despite their peas for him to do so. They had been stabbed and shot, while he would be okay. Call it adrenaline, call it being stubborn, but he was not about to let his final moments in that house be a sign of weakness. He was going to walk out with his head held high with pride in knowing he had fought through everything.

Despite his protests, though, Antonio flanked his right side with Gabrielle Dawson quickly joining him on the left side. They walked alongside him, both Dawsons shocked in the strength that he was showing despite the condition he looked to be in. 

"I know you cannot say much as this should be kept classified, but can you tell me anything about what happened?" Gabrielle asks as they make their way to the front doors and out of the house. She only bit her lip in remembering the length of the walkway that was before them to the driveway. It would at least give her a chance to ask him questions, but would they make it? "All we heard is that you were kidnapped yesterday at 10am. That means you were in their hands for 24 hours, leaving the window of opportunity very open." 

"You don't need to worry," Jay states as they make their way down the driveway slowly. He tried to keep himself standing straight up, thankful they had redressed him in his shirt before returning him to Erin so he could cover up the marks on both his sides. He knew that would be causing the concern to be pegged for both Dawsons. "I am fin-"

"We both know it's mandatory following a kidnapping and beating that you go to the hospital for a full check-up," Antonio quickly reminds him as the video he had watched the day before of a couple minutes of Jay's torture plays over and over in his head. "Repeated punches in the kidneys, electrocuted on both his left and right sides. He was kidnapped and tortured for information." 

"I didn't give them any information." Antonio was not surprised by the revelation in knowing how Jay worked. It went back to his Army Ranger training. He knew how to withstand torture tactics and not give in, no matter what, for better or worse it seemed. "I'll be fine, though. The cuts will heal and the bruises will fade away. It's just another day on the job." 

"Is he insane?" Gabrielle asks as they reach the ambulance, with her opening the back doors. She then motions for Jay to take a seat. "I was amazed you weren't freaking out when you got shot that night. Now you're standing here after a full torturing and telling me it's just another day on the job." 

Back inside the house, Sylvie initially checked on the individual she found lying in the middle of the room. She could see the blood pouring out of his abdomen before she placed her fingers on his neck, predicting he had bled to death. It was confirmed when nothing could be felt. 

She then makes her way to where the older gentleman of the two was against the back wall with a dress shirt and pants. Obviously he was the boss and bigger threat, and the holes in his shirt dictated he had been shot multiple times. She repeats the same process with two fingers on the neck, feeling a very slight pulse. 

"I need help over here!" She yells, catching the attention of two other paramedics who run over to join her on the either side of Derek Keyes. 

The Intelligence Unit watches on as the paramedics begin to work on the man, as Hank shakes his head in disgust. He had hoped he would have suffered the same fate as his partner. He deserved it for everything he had put Jay through. It was too bad that Erin had not got one of those bullets straight in his heart where it belonged.

Hank could not wonder about the scene, instead his attention being distracted in seeing a sea of police officers enter the residence. In pairs, they picked up the six men that had been placed in handcuffs earlier and began leading them out of the residence. 

"Do I want to know what happened here?" Commander Fischer asks as he walks up to where Hank was standing. Hank simply crosses his arms as he turns to look directly at the Commander. He knew the questions would be coming. He just didn't think it would be this soon after what happened.

"My team just went underwent having one of those members tortured and kidnap-"

"I can tell that Detective Halstead is going to be okay, which is great news. But I have six men in custody, one dead, one of the biggest drug dealers in the country shot-"

"I don't see a problem with any of that, to be honest. We did our jobs." The comment does not go over well with the Commander, as Hank could already see the wheels turning in his mind. Why did these people always assume the worst with his unit? They weren't always up to trouble. "I told you about the drop. Erin Lindsay brought the files here. An argument broke out between Mr. Keyes, his partner and Erin. She did what she needed to defend herself and save Halstead. Isn't that all that matters?" 

"I want full statements from each of your team members before you leave the property - especially Lindsay. None of you are allowed to leave this house until that happens. Well, except Halstead. We will take Detective Halstead's statement once he is tended to at Med. I also want the gun that was used to shoot the individuals in question. IAD is going to have every inch of this place canvased. Nothing can be out of order or else they may question what happened here."  

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