Chapter 12: Molly's

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After making the trip by the 21st district, Will makes the trip to Jay's apartment. He was glad to have moved in recently and be staying with his brother as he had a key to get inside without having to go looking for it or ask anyone. 

He heads inside and goes into his brother's bedsroom. He had been very respectful of the boundaries in the apartment since moving in, not taking a step inside the bedsroom since doing so. It was all about giving his brother the space he should have. He did not want to push issues in knowing their relationship had not all been sunshine and roses with a lot of rough moments throughout for them both. He did not want to bring up any reason for them to get angry with each other, and result in the relationship breaking apart, again. He had made progress already and wanted to keep those amends going. 

He was not surprised to see everything tucked away where it should be, knowing Jay was always the best at everything he did. He was the hardest critic on himself if he did not accomplish that feat, either. Maybe it was because of the training ingrained in him. Maybe it was because that was a coping mechanism for him. Or maybe it was because of their childhood and their father. 

He makes his way to the dresser, sliding one of the drawers open. He knew with the burns to his torso that something very loose fitting would be a good idea right now to not put any unnecessary pressure on the wounds. Finding a Chicago Blackhawks sweater was perfect in accomplishing that, as he grabbed it from the drawer. He then found a pair of sweat pants to match it in the drawer beneath, adding those to the bag.

It was not long before he was back in his car, ready to make the trip back to Chicago Med and be reunited with his brother once again. Taking a deep breath, he felt himself finally relax for the first time in the past 48 hours. He had gone from a tough case in the hospital resulting in another argument with the board and Sharon about his actions. Before that was even solved, he was being notified by Hank of his brother's kidnapping. He had not been calm since, every scenario and worry passing through his mind as he thought about what could be happening. It resulted in getting maybe just an hour of sleep the night before as the scenarios kept causing him to wake right back up.

As he sees Molly's on the corner, he glances at the time in seeing it was not too late. Ethan had said that Jay needed to relax and take care of himself so he could heal. Will had seen the tiredness on Jay's face before he had begun the errand run. A mental break with a single drink to allow himself to relax a bit after all the stress would not take too long. It would be just taking care of himself. Besides, he could get some food while he was there in knowing a long night was probably ahead of him with Jay at the hospital. Maybe he could get some homemade chicken noodle soup from Herman for Jay.

He makes his way inside the bar, taking his usual seat at the counter as he watched the firemen run the bar as always. It was crazy to think the best drinks he had ever tasted came from a trio of firefighters.

"How are you doing, doc?" Otis says as he notices Will sitting at the bar, making his way over. There were never orders taken with the firefighters having remembered the orders for each of the doctors and policemen that attended the bar nightly. It was why he placed a beer, alongside a shot of whiskey on the bar for the young doctor. He was used to seeing him sit there with one of his fellow doctors, or his brother. He almost felt bad in asking how Will was doing now in realizing his mind was probably reeling from everything that had happened with Jay. "Got you a shot and a beer."

"Oh, too kind," Will replies, picking up the shot glass first. He then takes a deep breath, knowing this was not quite in the cards for what he was thinking before entering. However, it would certainly calm the nerves he was feeling about not only the board, but his brother's well-being and his relationship with Erin. Hopefully Hank made out alright with Erin tonight. "Thanks Otis."

"You got it." 

The whole interaction did not go unnoticed by everyone in the bar, with a couple glancing towards Will as he sat before his pair of drinks. The actions were mostly watched by a pair of Chicago PD's finest officers. Kevin had seen the marks all of Jay's body at the house. Kevin had seen how difficult it seemed to be for him to walk himself out of the house despite his protesting. But yet there had been no update since on how he was doing, and now his brother was at the bar consuming drinks. Shouldn't Will be at the hospital looking out for him?

"Hey, so, Jay's gonna be all right?" Kevin finally asks the question that had been begging to be asked ever since the door opened and Will entered the bar. He was not the only person looking for an answer. The question had caught the attention of Adam and Kim as well, both of them focused on the young doctor now. Kim felt as though her heart was in her throat in wondering how Jay was doing.

"Guys, don't worry," Will starts, reading the concern and worry on their faces immediately. It did not come close to any that he had shared throughout this entire process, if he was being honest. His brother had been through worst. He had almost come to expect hearing something like this regularly. Was that wrong? "Jay's gonna be fine. He'll be discharged from Chicago Med tomorrow on medical leave." 

"I tell you, what Jay went through, it's a hell of a way to get a week off," Adam comments as he takes a swig of his beer. Will could not help but chuckle as it certainly gave a fun story to his temporary vacation. However, unlike anybody else, Jay will probably be complaining about day two or three into his leave because of wanting to get back to work. He was not someone that you could keep down for long no matter how hard you tried.

"He knew it. He knew what he was doing." 

"Hey." Adam then takes his bottle and raises it high in the air, getting the attention of everyone in the bar. It was rare big toasts ever happened, but they never were for the wrong reasons in always having a special meaning. If someone wanted to make a toast, it always got everyone involved. "All right, to Halstead!"

"Halstead!" Everyone lets out together, raising their glasses and bottles, before taking a sip of their respective drinks.

A smile crosses the face of Will in seeing the respect and honour given to his brother for everything he had done. It had to make up for those years of trying to please their dad and never being able to do so. If only he could allow himself to get to know the man his son had become....

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