Chapter 5: Chicago Med

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"Treatment Room 1," Maggie instructs as Gabrielle makes her way into the hospital with the stretcher.

"I could have walked in," Jay continues to plea with her, as she simply rolls her eyes. She had seen enough of his injuries on the trip to the hospital, as well as his slight complains of pain, to not want to entertain that idea. She could already see herself having to pick him up from the ground.

"Does Will know that you are here?" Ethan Choi asks as he helps Gabrielle roll the stretcher into the treatment room. He had heard of Jay being kidnapped as it seemed word traveled fast once Will was notified by Hank, and took the rest of the day off. He remembered a bit of disgust in seeing Derek Keyes brought in first, and the dedicated effort to ensure he lived. He remembered being worried about Jay's condition, and wondering where he was. "He was worried sick when Hank told him what happened." 

"Please don't call him down here. I don't need his worried ass barking orders at me right now." Jay then takes a deep breath as he slowly gets up from the stretcher, making the move over to the hospital bed. He laid his head back, knowing he would be told to do so anyway by Gabby and Ethan. Arguing with them seemed useless right now with how he was feeling. They would end up winning the argument anyway. "Besides, I just want to get this over with so I can head home." 

"He tried to make me promise that by bringing him in that I would ensure he got released tonight," Gabrielle states catching Ethan's attention. It was clear between the pair that Jay's request was going to fall on deaf ears based on what they had both seen initially. "I told him that I would put in a good word for him." 

"We're going to try to make your stay as comfortable as possible," Ethan states as he reaches for the tray that April had brought in the room. It contained some of the tools he knew he would need based on what he had heard about Jay's condition and past torture experience. "But I am going to have to start with something that is not comfortable..." 

"You were my favourite doctor here until now," Jay comments as he trembles a bit in seeing the needle that Ethan held his hand. He already knew what it was for, and what would be in the back of his hand within the next several minutes. It made sense they wanted to give him IV fluids after having been kidnapped for 24 hours without any food or drink. That didn't mean he was a fan of doing it at all, not liking the sight of needles one bit. He could take a bullet or a punch - but did not want to see a needle close to him.

"I promise to make it painless and as quick as possible, okay? It's also why I said I would do it, rather than a nurse. Just look away and it'll be over." Jay looked at the doctor with uncertainty, but glanced his eyes away from his hand as he looked over to where Gabby stood in the corner of the room. He made a face at her, almost set to yell and bolt - probably would have if not for feeling a little tired - as he felt the prick in his hand. He then looked back a couple minutes later to see the IV line was in place, already connected to fluids on the pole. 

"How long does it need to stay in? I don't even think it's necessary..." Gabby and Ethan both chuckle at the comments, knowing at least he had not changed with everything that had happened over the past day. That was a relief, as Gabby could only imagine what was going through his mind based on what Antonio had revealed in what happened.

"How about you let Ethan do his job and check you out?" Gabby suggests, as her eyes glance towards the monitor. She could not help but focus on the numbers dictating his heart rate and blood pressure, in remembering what she saw on the way here. "His blood pressure has been low since we left the house. His heart rate has been steady, though." 

"Dehydration can cause low blood pressure which is another reason why this is necessary," Ethan comments for emphasis in hopes of winning his patient over. He then peels off the blue shirt that Jay was wearing, grimacing in seeing the marks on both of his sides. "Going to order an ultrasound on your left kidney as that is looking pretty ugly, courtesy of I would assume a series of rough punches. I know you won't accept a catheter so any time you have to go to the bathroom, please do so in the bottle so we can monitor output and traces of blood." 

"Antonio mentioned there was a video sent to the district which included several to the area..." Jay could not help but grimace a little in wondering what was going through his team member's minds in watching him be tortured. He could handle it. It did not compare to what he had endured while overseas. However, he could only imagine the disgust and pain that it would have caused his team members. It also explained their concern upon entering the building. "I would check the cut on the left side of his temple. You will probably need stitches." 

"Stitches, and a CT scan considering the bruising to the right side and eye-swelling. I would assume you have a concussion. Are you seeing double, or feeling dizzy at all?" Jay slowly nods his head, not wanting to admit it in knowing that meant an automatic 24 hour observation watch in the hospital from previous experience. But it would be nice to get some gravol to chase that feeling away. "Based on these marks on your sides, I would assume you were electrocuted multiple times to go with those punches. I will get April to book you for an electroencephalogram, and a nerve conduction study per proper protocol. Second and third degree burns will require ointment and bandaging, which we will do shortly after x-rays to check your ribs." 

"Like I told you on the way here, you are going to be okay. You're in good hands with Ethan. Just please be a good patient for once." 

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