Ch.5- Is he a vampire?

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"Are you telling me the truth? Is it real?" A gasp escaped my lips trying to retrieve and analyse the new story from this guy named Jimin.

"Why would I lie to you?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Maybe for kidnapping or something but how can this be true?"

"I know this info is not any particular type of information. It may sound delusional but trust me I am not making it up. The reasons behind those murders are only that person"

"WAIT! How do you even expect me to believe anything you said? A hunter who kills people to find out the vampire?" I replied sarcastically. 

"This is hard to digest but--"

"Wait?" I cut his words in between. "Do you work for the police? Or somehow involved in this?" I frantically asked. I am afraid of him. He just told me about a hunter who is the reason behind the murders of those women and children. The one who killed the woman I wrote the details of postmortem

"Well, I think I am going ahead of myself. I do work for the police" I looked into his red eyes, they were sparkling as if he was telling the truth. 

"I see, then why are you telling me all of this?" I asked impatiently. 

"You are a doctor we need your help." He took my hands in his and whispered in my ears.

"Will this plan work?" I was hesitant not sure about his plan but he nodded his head

"If something happens I'll help you" he smiled at me reassuringly. 

"Alright you better" 

"Thank you"


I came back to the mansion, a myriad of thoughts racing through my mind. Is this real? Or am I walking into his trap? Why did I even agree to assist him? I hardly know him, a heavy sigh escaped me. Glancing at the clock, it read 1 am.

His face remained vivid in my thoughts throughout the night as I drifted off to sleep, unable to shake the image from my mind.

"Hii what's your name boy?" A girl not much older than me waved her hand, bringing me back to reality. I looked she was cute. "I am Yoongi" I softly murmured under my breath, unaccustomed to engaging in social interactions. My eyes briefly flickered towards the children joyfully frolicking with each other, sensing a disconnect as I remained distanced from their circle.

I am Sarah, are you lost?" I shook my head. "Hmm, then where are your parents?" she asked casually. Her question brought tears to my eyes as I thought about them, but I managed to reply, "I do not have parents." A gasp escaped her, surprising me as I looked at her. After a moment of thought, she said, "I have read about it, orphans are children who may have lost their parents or been abandoned by them, I am sorry" She apologized to me. Yeah, a five-year-old going through all of this.

"Hey, Sarah what are you doing here? Come it's getting late." a man with a handsome face, tall height, and black velvet hair said approaching Sarah.

"Papa, see this boy is lonely can I take him home with me?" she asked with pleading eyes. The man took a look at me and asked, "Hey what's your name child?"


I comprehend. "Father, please cease, he does not possess them," Sarah gestured. The gentleman acknowledged her signal and offered me a slight grin. "Perhaps weary of receiving endless sympathy? Ah, I am Aurelius, pleased to make your acquaintance. And this is my daughter, Artemis. You may refer to her as Sarah if you prefer, we typically address her as Sarah."

My eyes shot open. I am dreaming again. 

It was 8 in the morning. It was not my first time having these dreams. Perhaps, some scars never leave someone. The day passed quickly but I was quite shocked to see Aurelius in my dream in this house where we used to live. Should I remember him? Nope.

My life is quite dull. I wandered through the mansion and I was weary of experiencing flashbacks repeatedly. "Wait, did something fall?" I heard a thud in the vicinity of the kitchen. I casually made my way there and observed no one. Everything was undisturbed. I noticed the backdoor was ajar. How? "What the f-" I distinctly remember locking it last night, how is it open?

Then I might have forgotten to lock it up. Uh... silly me. How can I be so stupid? I locked the door and decided to go on trekking near the forest. 

I am not afraid of such things. I ventured into the forest and discovered different aspects of it. I encountered the infamous haunted house. Let's find out the reason behind people's fear of this house.

Little did I know what I was getting myself into; I would have fled immediately.

I sniffed a very bad and disgusting smell, as a doctor I am familiar with the smell of human blood and animal blood. I opened the door I saw many animals that were dead and immersed in the blood also a human-like figure....

Eating a women who is dead. 


I let out a piercing scream and my body immediately tensed up, rendering me unable to move. Despite my mind screaming at me to flee at top speed, my limbs refused to cooperate. The sight of the woman's mutilated body filled me with dread and revulsion. It brought back memories of the gruesome case of Giselle Aurora, whose torso had been brutally sliced open, her organs missing, as though the deed had been carried out with nothing but bare hands.

The creature noticed me and charged towards me. Now I am dead I closed my eyes not ready to face the consequences. But, after a while nothing happened. Am I dead? I opened my eyes to see myself in the arms of Jimin?

What was he doing here? He took me out of the mansion and it seemed the creature couldn't get out of the house.

"J-Jimin?" I looked at him his eyes were red. How is this? I didn't have much time to think he made me stand and fight the creature. How is this even possible? Am I in a dream or what?

He doesn't look like a human, super speed, super strength. 

Is he a Vampire?  

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