Ch.6- Yes, I am a Vampire.

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"Watch out" I shouted a warning to Jimin as a tree was about to fall on him. I sprinted towards him and managed to hold him just in time, but the force caused us both to fall on the other side. At that moment, I found myself lost in his eyes. His eyes were so unique and shiny, like Ruby. His skin had a slight tan but was perfect. His hair--

He couldn't help but grin while uttering, "I may be good-looking, but that doesn't give you the right to ogle at me." I quickly came to my senses and retorted in a defensive tone, "I wasn't staring, okay?"

He chuckled and replied, "It's okay, I don't mind being stared at by someone as beautiful as you." I couldn't help but feel more humiliated. "I saved your ass and you should thank me cutie"

"Uh...thank you"

I said my eyes moving in all directions. I am already enough embarrassed to look at him. He just laughed and said," Don't worry, anyway I killed him but where is my thank you?"

"I also saved your ass getting hit by a tree so thank me as well" I retorted in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah thank you, we should be get going it is gonna turn 4'o clock."

"But why?"

"I will tell you later" he held my hand and said. "Get ready kitten for a bullet train ride. With that, we ran fast. Not me but him and I felt like I would slip any minute. We made it out of the jungle and went to my house for a severe talk.

"Could you give me something to drink? You know I am dehydrated so I need a beverage to hydrate myself"

He requested with pleading eyes. I sighed and handed him water.

"This is all you get"

His smile dropped maybe he was expecting me to give him something more interesting.

"Now get back to the question. How did you kill that creature?" I sat down and he did as well across me. He gulped down the water in one go.

"Isn't obvious? I have the supernatural natural ability which any mortal can't have."

"I saw you. Why did you save me?"

I asked in a serious tone. He looked at me with those red eyes. His eyes were shining as if something was burning. Anyone who concentrates on his eyes would get hypnotized so I started to look at his forehead to avoid embarrassment. 

"As you have already discovered I am a vampire" 

I nodded and signaled him to continue with his theory. 

"If you think about it currently you might come across a thought why didn't I kill you the first time I saw you on the beach? Or maybe I am the serial killer who is kidnapping young women and children, murdering them brutally." 

"I was suspicious from the start. Our meeting is in the middle of the night, interested in emerging communication and familiarizing yourself with me? It is a part of the plan right?"

I asked getting a little tense and maintaining distance with him. "Partial truth, our meeting wasn't a coincidence I was in search of the victims who have been reported absent recently. The last time if someone saw them was near a seashore. So I am investigating all the sea-shore at night observing the activities and finding anything skeptical."

"Still it doesn't answer why you didn't kill me or why did you save me?"

I put my palms under my chin. He sighed before standing and sitting close to me. My brain had stopped working at the moment. I wasn't sure about what to say. Should I even utter a word? He gently caressed my cheek and whispered against my ear. "It is because 'you are my special" 

My heart was beating at the speed of dropping an asteroid. He pushed my hair behind my ear and then backed away. What the heck was that? I cleared my throat coming back to my senses. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I queried acting non-chanlantly. He giggled. "Nothing much but you should be aware vampires are roaming in the surroundings in the human realm disguised as humans. For your information, every vampire doesn't have the intention to kill a human and drink their blood. " 

"On the other hand, we vampires need only human blood, or needless to say we can't survive without it" he answered sitting comfortably on the couch. "You are puzzling me, Jimin" I gulped certainly intimated by him. "Don't be frightened, Kitty. I did say I need human blood but many of us have supplies to blood banks." He assured me. I gave him my bombastic side-eye. 

"Does it look like I even care? You are a vampire on the hunt. Now I definitely don't believe it. "

He took a deep sigh. "If that's what you want. Then fine but before leaving I have one thing to say" he deeply stared at me waiting for my response. "What is it?" I questioned biting my lips nervously. "The hunter has some relation with your parents's death so bear it." "

"Wait, wasn't their death an accident?" I asked, surprised. "For the world it was a normal accident, only Artemis and I know it wasn't. So if you want--" 

"How do you know it was not an accident?" 

"I'll tell you only on one condition and I suppose you already are familiar with my condition." 

"Fine," I exhaled maybe I would regret what I was going to do. 

I responded briefly, "I will assist you with your plan."

He smiled fondly. "I have one request thought?" he scratched his nape smiling sheepishly at me. "What is it?"

"I wanna stay over here"


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