Trail Blaising

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Following on from the previous drama in the Gryffindor common room, happened to be the first normal week at Hogwarts. Although, with Ron's big mouth that normal week contained a few detentions. 

Hermione and Draco spent days enjoying classes and their time together, despite their responsibilities as head students they still found the time to be themselves, the young kids they were at heart. 

Today found them walking through Hogsmeade hand in hand before they were to separate for their rounds of the town to ensure the younger students were behaving appropriately. 

" we have to do rounds Mia?" the blonde groaned, a dramatic tilt to his head. 

"you know we do Dray, but i'll see you soon, it's only for an hour and then the prefects take over" she replied 

"Fiiine... promise we'll meet at the three broomsticks after?"

"you know i will" she smiled 

"I'll see you soon then love" he smiled "i love you" 

"I love you too Dray... always" was her reply before she planted a delicate kiss on his lips and walked away. 

Hermione found herself quite bored as the time wore on during her rounds, the students were surprisingly behaving and her only responsibilities basically consisted of a walk about the town. She counted down the minutes before she could meet Draco again, slowly becoming agitated as it felt like an age since they had parted. 

During this boredom induce distraction, a sharp noise to her right caught Hermione unawares but before she could investigate fully, a jet of red light caught her in the chest and the world went black as a stupefy took effect. 

Hermione awoke some time later confused and disoriented. She had a gash on her head, which she assumed came from her fall as the stupefy knocked her out. With a pounding head she stood unsteadily from the dusty floor, attempting to investigate the room she found herself in, she promptly vomited. 

'I must have a concussion' she thought sadly, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her jumper. She slowly walked about the small room, it seemed to be a box room, dank and dusty with very little light. She followed the sharp light shining into the room from the slit window at the top of the far wall and blinked to dissolve the dots appearing in her vision. Once she could see clearly again, she was able to distinguish her surroundings of the building she found herself in. 

'The shrieking Shack... my old friend'  she sighed to herself, her shoulders drooping softly. 

"Ah...the mudblood's awake" she heard behind her, a door materialising behind her on the dingy wall. 

"Blaise" she spat, a mixture of recognition and rage igniting her soft eyes. 

"Yes... me" he smirked " i bet you're wondering why i have you here" he continued. 

Meanwhile in Hogsmeade...

"Hey Draco, you okay?" Pansy Parkinson asked as she approached the blonde waiting outside of the three broomsticks pub, worry creasing his otherwise perfect complexion. 

"Have you seen Hermione?" he asked, distress evident in his voice. 

"No, i thought she was with you?" was her reply. 

"We separated for rounds, we were supposed to meet up here but she's late" 

"Well maybe she caught someone causing trouble and she got held up"

"She's almost an hour late Pansy, even catching a kid, you know that's not like her" he replied, his head turning from left to right as he searched for his mate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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