Lunch Time Fiascos

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No one P.O.V.

"So is ev'ry one clear on the 'omework?" Hagrid asked with a smile, earning a murmuring of 'yes' from the class.

Hermione and Draco had stayed holding hands throughout the lesson, which happened to be a good choice as it kept him calm when Ronald and Harry walked in half way through.

Half an hour earlier...

"Why 're you late Ron, 'arry?" Hagrid questioned worriedly.

"we were in the Hospital Wing Hagrid" Harry replied, standing towards the back with a bruised Ron.

"it seems like you've done a good number on him Malfoy" Neville chuckled, patting him on the back.

They had explained what had happened to him when he asked where Harry and Ron were and Draco had almost exploded again, although kept his cool throughout the tale and smirked when Neville had replied with:

" good on ya, a true friend shouldn't do that, to be honest i think the pricks jeleous of your very close relationship with Malfoy here, you seem awefully close for past enemies" he grinned.

" i hadn't even noticed we'd gotten closer" Hermione stated, smiling to the blonde.

"me either" he replied. " but i like the change" he then whispered in her ear, smirking as she shivered from his breath on her neck.

After the lesson everyone began their treck up the hill towards the castle for lunch.

" Hey, 'mione? Are you and Malfoy a couple?" Neville asked, catching up with the pair.

" No, we're just friends" Malfoy shrugged, although pulled the brunette closer.

"yeah, just friends" Hermione inputted, however ended up resting her head on Draco's shoulder.

" Draco...I'm tired" she complained as she yawned.

" well you should've gone to bed earlier then shouldn't you?" he teased, smiling down at her.

" i hate you" she grumbled.

" oh fine then" he sighed, crouching slightly to give her a piggy back ride.

"yay!" she cheared before jumping on his back happily.

" better?"

"better" she confirmed as he began walking once again.

" you know, you're really light" he thought aloud, propping her up once again as she began slipping.

" thanks" she giggled, playing with his hair childishly.

" you having fun there?" he queried, chuckling.

"yes, i am actually" she grinned.

"okay, you can jump down now, we're here" he stated, crouching once again in front of the Great hall.

"thanks" she grinned, before kissing his cheek lightly.

She took his hand once again and strolled into the Great hall with him in toe, smirking at his silence.

"hm" he cleared his throat" so, do you think anything's going to happen during lunch?" he then asked.

" i don't know to be honest, there's always a possibility, especially with Harry and Ron " she shugged simply, taking a seat with him by her side.

" true" he replied before they both tucked into their small lunch which consisted of either small sandwhiches or lamb dinner; they had chosen the lamb.

Then the double doors banged open and Ron stormed in and over to the Slytherin table where Ginny was seated with Pansy and Draco and Hermione were two spaces down.


" Mr Weasley! There is no need for such language!" Mcgonogal shouted appalled by his behaviour.

" Ron! leave me alone! i'm not a baby and i want to sit with my friends regardless of their house!" Ginny screached, puling her arm away from his tight grip.

" Fine sit with the snakes, but you are no sister of mine now" he growled before storming back out of the large hall and leaving a trail of whispers where he stomped.

"Ginny!" Pansy and Hermione exclaimed as the redhead collapsed to the floor, her body being wracked with sobs.

"i-i-i'm okay, re-really, i-i-i'm fine" Ginny replied, wiping her eyes a little, although the river of tears kept flowing.

"no you're not, now lets get you to the hospital wing, you need rest" Pansy replied, hoisting her up with the help of Hermione.

They quickly walked her to the hospital wing, the redhead demanding she was okay the entire way. Once there Madame Pompfrey gave her a sleeping draught, making sure she was well well rested and calming the girl down.

"i'll keep her here for a couple days, it appears she has been stressed about quite a few things recently, which i'll question to her once she wakes" the medi-witch stated as she ushered the girls out.

"thank you madame pompfrey" Hermione replied before the two Slytherins left.

"how she doing?" Harry asked, stepping out of the shadows.

"she's being kept for a couple days, and she's sleeping now" Pansy replied, both girls crossing their arms.

"okay, i'll come back in a couple hours to see her...Hermione?" He stated, then asked kindly.

"yes Harry?" she asked expectantly.

"i'm sorry i didn't defend you, i should have but i don't like getting between you two when you fight, and just so you know i don't care what house you're in or who you're dating, as long as you're happy that's your buisness" he explained softly, a solemn look on his face.

"it's fine, but we have to go, we have to meet Draco" Hermione replied before tugging Pansy down the corridor behind her.

"what was that about? We dont have to meet Draco" Pansy demanded, taking her arm back and walking in step with the brunette.

"look at the end of the corridor" Hermione grinned, before walking quicker and hugging the blonde, giggling as he spun her around, sweeping her off her feet, literally.

"hey beautiful" he whispered flirtatiously.

"hey" she whispered in reply, smiling up at him as he put her down on the floor again.

" you ready to go to Transfig, but if you dont want to i told Mcgonogal about what's been going on and she says we can skip if need be so that you can rest as well" he then explained with a soft smile.

"how about we go up to our common room, just us for a bit? might be nice to get to know you better" she replied before turning to Pansy as the girl caught up.

"hey, we have something to do for heads duties, we'll catch you up at dinner yeah? " she stated to the other, hugging her before taking Draco's hand and leading him down the corridor.

" see you later!" Pansy called before smirking and heading back down the corridor towards her next lesson.

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