The Malfoy Meal

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Hermione's P.O.V

Well today's the day  of the meal, hopefully I won't make a fool of myself, technically I've already met Lucius Malfoy but this is a formal occasion, I have to be on my best behaviour.  I thought nervously, preparing myself for the coming day. 

Author P.O.V

Hermione slowly walked around her room, carefully selecting comfortable clothes so as not to stress herself out too much before the meal that evening.

"Hermione!" she heard Draco call. 

"yes?" she shouted in reply. 

"it's time for breakfast!" he exclaimed. 

"okay! coming!" 

As she walked downstairs she saw a large spread of various different breakfast foods with fancy cutlery. 

"whats all this in aid of?" she queried. 

" i thought it would be nice to treat you and to brush up on your table etiquette?" 

" is that a statement or a question? " she replied, already grinning " and just so you know, i know all i need to anyway, its important to understand the different customs involved with different societies and cultures" 

he seemed shocked but smiled nonetheless. "just a treat it is then" 

she sat down and they both started their day with a hefty healthy breakfast. 

Later that evening 

"Miss Granger, what a pleasure it is to have you in our home again" Lucius began, a polite smile gracing his features. 

"Thank you for inviting me Mr Malfoy" Hermione replied with a polite nod to her hosts. 

What followed as an evening beginning with stilted conversation, accompanied by lengthy discussions regarding the changing values of the Malfoy family, eventually resulting in the group of four sitting in the lounge sharing a laugh as Narcissa shared the family photo album with Hermione. 

"Oh Draco! Look at you! You were so cute!" Hermione exclaimed, pointing at a picture of toddler Draco sitting grumpily in the tub as the soap bubbles washed his hair. 

"Were? Excuse you Mia I happen to still be cute" Draco harrumphed, crossing his arms with a lofty lift to his chin. 

"Still just as troublesome too" Lucius snarked over his firewhiskey, causing the women to burst into laughter. 

"Oh yes! Do you remember this Lu, he put up such a fit about this bath he had his first bout of accidental magic and turned you green!" Narcissa supplied with a laugh, holding up the picture Hermione had commented on. 

"Of course Cissa, we had to go to St. Mungos I recall, cost a small fortune to keep those busybodies quiet too" the elder Malfoy replied, a smirk on his lips as Draco crossed his arms petulantly as his family laughed at his expense. 

"I'm sure you deserved it father" Draco then supplied, earning a giggle from Hermione, though she tried to hide it beneath her hand. 

She was however, unsuccessful and instead got a raised eyebrow from Lucius and a laughing smile from Narcissa. 

In the end, both Draco and Hermione considered the night to be a success; stories were shared, both about Draco's family and Hermione's birth parents and Hermione found herself liking the change she saw in her future in-laws very much. And as they were leaving at the end of the night, she was thrilled to be offered an open invitation to visit the manor house at any time of her choosing to use their expansive library. 

Back in the heads common room

"Well tonight was a success by all accounts" Hermione smiled once they'd reached home.

"Yes I think it was... thank you for going Hermione, I know you didn't necessarily have to, but I'm really glad you did." Draco replied softly. "My mother loves you already" he then added with a smile. 

"She's a wonderful woman, I can see how much she loves you too, I'm sure we'll get on great" she responded with a smile as they began taking the stairs to their shared bedroom. 

"I know you will" Draco grinned. 

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