Common Roomance

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(See what i did there? ;) 'Common Room Romance' to 'Common Roomance' So fun to shorten things XD, writing the past chapters has been great , i hope you guys have liked this story so far, enjoy! This chapters my fav!) And sorry about the slow upload, been packed in with school work...

Meanwhile in the common room...

The two strolled into the common room together, still hand in hand, Draco crying with laughter after one of Hermione's muggle jokes.

After he had calmed they sat on the sofa, Hermione using her wand to pick a DVD and turning on the TV.

" oh i almost forgot, my father sent me a reply about your parents, they told him about you when you were first born, they died when you were 9 months old and they transferred your trust fund over to him to keep for you, he said that if he had known that your parents were the Graystones he would have stopped what Bellatrix did to you and also that he has your money and will transfer it over to your Gringotts account by the end of the month on one clause" he explained with a sheepish grin.

"and that would be?...come on Draco! Spit it out!" she demanded, lightly slapping his shoulder, to which he chuckled at her childish behaviour.

"don't worry about it! he just wants to meet you formally for dinner, and of course for you to come to the Malfoy Ball at the end of the month, he say's that he's sending a request for us to have dinner at the manor on Thursday of next week" he concluded calmly.

" no problem, we'll just have to go shopping Saturday for my dresses" she shrugged non-nonchalantly.

"We?" he investigated.

" yes we, you'll need to give me advice on what would be impressive and it's always good to have a guys opinion, i hope you won't mind but i'll also be trying on some new lingerie which i'll need your approval of" she replied with a smirk at his shocked expression.

" why would you need my approval?"he asked blankly.

" well i need a guys approval, and i have a feeling you'd be the most honest" she reciprocated with a smile.

"oookay, i guess i could understand that, it's just a lot to take in " he reacted, blushing slightly.

" awwe Draco, are you blushing?" she teased, pinching his cheek to add more of an embarrassment.

" hey, leave me alone!" he chuckled, tackling her onto the sofa and tickling her sides.

"hey! Stop! That tickles" she giggled, squirming beneath him.

"nope!" he retorted, holding her still more to tickle her harder, making her scream/giggle at the same time, and her insides almost hurt.

"you're evil!" she giggled out, flipping onto her stomach, although he still tickled her sides.

"deal with it!" he responded with a grin.

She finally managed to escape from his tight grasp and was flushed red from all of her laughing, tears running down her cheeks as she grinned.

"ha!ha!" she joked, holding her side.

" i'll get you back later !" he countered with a wink

"sure" she smirked, before walking into her room to collect a small blanket and covering herself and Draco with it once settling next to him to watch the movie, and resting her head on his shoulder.

He smiled softly as she did this, calmly watching the film, something called 'The Odd life of Timothy Green' which seemed like an excellent choice as it allowed them to cuddle closely.

" this is a good film" she commented half way through.

" yes it is " he smiled in reply, holding her closer.

"why does everyone think we're together Draco?" she suddenly asked, looking into his eyes.

" probably because we've become so close in such a short time and what with your transformation they're probably trying to come up with logical explanations of why the golden girl went dark, so they're blaming me and saying we're dating so I've corrupted you" he explained clearly.

"that makes sense that they would try to come up with explanations, but none of them have seen us kiss or anything so i don't understand where this idea of us dating comes from" she replied confusedly.

" probably because we hug for long periods of time and hold hands when walking down the corridors which are normally couple things to do" he concluded clearly.

" true " she laughed lightly before freezing, seeing the swirling emotions in his gorgeous molten grey eyes.

"you're beautiful" he whispered, caressing her cheek softly.

"if i didn't know any better Draco Malfoy i'd say you were about to kiss me" she whispered in reply, still gazing into his beautiful eyes.

" and what if i was?" he queried softly, leaning forward, towards her slightly.

" i'd have to kiss you back wouldn't i? it's only polite" she smiled.

" you wouldn't have to, it's a matter of wanting to or not"he replied, leaning in slightly more and smirking as she stayed where she was.

"Damn Draco do you have to smirk like that?" she suddenly asked, looking on with a complaint.

"what's wrong with my smirk?" he asked, smirking more.

" it's too damn sexy" she growled out.

He smirked again before connecting his lips with hers quickly.

Ignoring the rest of the film she proceeded to kiss him back, leaning back into the arm of the love seat, allowing him to lie above her. She groaned as he deepened the kiss, each battling for dominance with their tongue in a dance of pure passion. They pulled apart after a few more minutes, neither keeping track of how long their passionate kiss was and each gasping for breath when they broke apart.

Once they had began to control their breathing once again, he kissed her, holding her closer and tighter against himself, putting just as much passion into this kiss as he had the last. He began running his fingers through her hair and groaned as she did the same to his, pushing herself closer to his own body. They slowly pulled away this time, each panting but smiling at one another wildly.

"well that escalated quickly" she chuckled before leaning in for round three and smiling against his lips as they once again collided with her own.

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