Morning of arrival

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Hermione woke up feeling fully rested, which is very lucky seeing as she didn't get in until 1am that morning, she was really taking this new image to the next level. She completed her school work yesterday, ignoring her parents before going clubbing with some muggle friends. She quickly got out of bed and completed her morning routine, skipping breakfast as usual. She picked out her outfit for the day and lay it on her bed, ready for when she was through sorting out her trunk, only now transferring all of her clothes into said trunk and placing her textbooks on top, making sure the trunk was light and extended in a way that was unnoticeable so she could fit all her shoes in too. Today she'd chosen her very nice studded short shorts, faded denim jacket and turquoise crop top, showing off her new belly bar and a rather large amount of cleavage. She'd decided to wear her studded stiletto peep toes, making her taller and her legs look longer. Her make up was simple, although she made sure her eyeliner was noticeable so used black, making sure her eyes were noticeable as she had been told recently that if the eyes are noticeable the whole face is, making people give you a double look.

After the war she'd decided she needed a change, and she finally felt free with her lifestyle, no longer worrying about school work, especially seeing as she knew all of the stuff anyway and she no longer had to worry about reading ahead of everyone else as she felt confident that her professors were going to teach it her. She was determined to not put her hand up that much over the coming year, feeling as though that was an annoyance to others; she had also chosen to be more confident in herself, and giving herself the ultimate test, seducing the Head boy, Draco Malfoy.

She couldn't wait to see everyone's face as she walks in, she hadn't seen anyone in almost 6 months and she'd obviously changed since then. The only person who had saw her since then was Ginny and she was hyped about it. She didnt even recognise her until she spoke. Gone was the bushy honey brown curls, and now she was left with wavy, sleek and shiny dark chocolate brown curls and a side fringe accentuating her face. She had to say she looked amazing, and she couldn't wait to show off everything she had. As the saying goes, if you've got it flaunt it, so she will.

She had done a great job of that over the holidays, and had shagged atleast 6 guys over the past 5 months, getting experience in the area of expertise for some girls, she had to say she was a pro, or atleast her last one night stand had called her that, David his name was. She had broken up with Ronald Weasley a few weeks before her transformation, believing him boring as he never wanted to do anything fun, so she suggested they stay friends, which they had, still owling frequently, oh would he have a shock when he saw her.

Walking to Kings cross from the main road was the best walk ever, there were atleast five guys come up to her and ask for her number or even cat call her, the old her would have blushed, but the new just smirked and kept walking leaving the men to stand and watch as she walked away, her shrunken trunk in her pocket and her hips swaying enticingly.

She had purposefully gotten there early so that only a handful of people would see her new look, no one from her year apart from the head boy would be in the vicinity yet. She had previously owled the boys making sure they knew she would see them at the feast instead of the usual meet and greet at the station, this way she could announce herself to the entire school as she walked in on the arm of Draco Malfoy, it being custamary to do so as Head boy and girl to show team work between the pair.

Strolling into the Head's compartment she noticed a certain blonde Slytherin reading inside, she smirked to herself and swaggered inside before un-shrinking her trunk and placing it on the top shelf above her seat, her back turned to the blonde the entire time.

" excuse me, the Head girl is supposed to be sitting there, hence the Head's compartment, i'm sure she'll be here in a moment you may want to leave" she heard him say and her smirk just grew in intensity.

" What you don't recognise me Draco?" she asked innocently, turning slowly.

" Granger?! What the hell happened to you?! You look Hot!" he exclaimed before blushing at his last comment.

" why thank you, and to answer your previous questions, i had a make over, my own choice, it was time for a change" she explained, sitting and crossing her right leg over the left.

" looks good, oh by the way i visited Mcgonogal when i arrived and she said there'd be a change of plan, everyone will enter, we'll do the usual walk in look awesome and show team work shit, then there will be a resorting of everyone then a sorting of the new first years, we obviously have to leave the train last to make sure that no one is left behind and to make sure there are no stragglers further up the trail, meaning you may want to change your heals as we'll be walking" he concluded .

" okay, thanks for the warning, but don't worry about me, i've walked for four hours straight in heals higher than these, whilst also wearing a corset and very very tight dress, you can imagine how resilient i am when it comes to my clothing, besides i dont think you want to walk in with me on your arm looking like a scruff in the only other studded shoes i have that will go with this outfit now do you " she smiled, looking him in the eye.

" you're funeral" he mumbled, going back to his book.

Hermione pulled out her phone at that and began playing 'Angry Birds' cheering softly as she hit two pigs in a row.

" what on earth is that annoying thing Granger?" He asked suddenly, looking at her phone questioningly.

" please Draco, call me Hermione, and it's a muggle device called a phone, you can talk to people, take photos, videos, and even play games on it, mines called a smart phone because it has the capacity for a lot of data" she explained, smiling as his interest peaked.

" Well what are you doing on it that is creating that infernal noise?" he queried.

" i'm playing a game, Angry Birds...Come here, i'll show you" she replied with a smirk.

He quickly switched sides and she showed him how to play, and how to work a phone, explaining the ins and outs of the whole thing, until they reached Hogsmeade station.

" i have a spare if this one breaks if you want it? Its Slytherin colours and charmed to work in the castle so you can use it all the time if you want" she said, shrugging her shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

" that would be nice... thank you" he smiled, taking the box from her hand gratefully.

"here i'll put in my number so if you need anything then you can call, and if we have a meeting for the prefects or something we can remind each other, i'll help you with the apps and setting it all up completely after the feast when we reach our common room if that helps"

" sure, shall we start checking the train and then walking up now?" he questioned lightly.

" okay, meet me at the boat house in five yeah? " she responded, leaving the compartment after shrinking her trunk and putting it in her pocket once again.

Checking the train was quick and simple, leaving plenty of time to stroll up to the boat house where she met Draco, allowing her to feel the cool breeze from the slight wind in the winter air, relaxing her completely as she walked, although she liked the relaxation she didn't need it as she no longer worried about her schooling as she had before, not needing to think about anything important her mind was blank.

" Hey Draco" she called, dawdling up the hill where he stood at the top.

" Hey Mia, hurry up would ya, it's cold, even with the blasted warming charm" he complained, smiling anyways.

" i'm coming, i'm coming" she teased, smirking as she finally reached the top.

They began their lesurely stroll towards the gates of Hogwarts, knowing that the necessary speeches had already been made to them or atleast to Draco, and passed on. They didn't need to be present until ten minutes away, which gave them plenty of time to muck about nonchalantly outside of the great hall.

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