Resorting and Shocking Discoveries

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Hermione's P.O.V.

"what house do you think you'll be put into now?" i asked softly, us both sitting and leaning against the wall, each shattered from the race up the path to the castle we had both taken part in.

" i think i'll stay in Slytherin, it is family tradition after all and i don't think i've gotten any smarter or braver or even softer over the past 8 months since the war, so bit of an easy guess, what about you? Do you think you'll change house?" he smiled questioningly.

"oh i know i'll change house, but you'll just have to wait and see what that is now won't you Mr Malfoy" i cockily replied, smirking at his raised eyebrows.

"What happened to you Hermione Granger? You used to be so insecure and soft, now you're tough and confident, you're so sure of yourself, how do you do it?" he asked me, his eyes curious.

" i honestly have no idea, i just fancied a change one day, you know i just got tired of being the smart one, i just wanted things to be different for once, and seeing as no one else was willing to change for me, then i decided to myself, it was easier and i guess with the attention of people, the second glances and such i just felt more confident, recieving attention because of my looks and not books" i explained, i mean if i was going to succeed in seducing the Slytherin Prince then i had to tell him my reasoning behind my change, become friends first; make him like me.

" that's reasonable, and listen, i never apologised for what i said to you in the past, i am sorry, and maybe, it even seems like it now, but maybe we can be really good friends?" he stated nurvously and i couldn't help but smile, my plan i believe is working.

"that would be lovely Draco" i smiled.

"And now, let's see this years Head Boy and Girl, Miss Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy!" they heard Mcgonogal say before the double doors opened.

" oh thats our cue" he stated as we stood quickly and dusted ourselves off.

I hooped my arm in his and we walked around the corner into the large hall, each smirking at the shocked faces of our fellow students.

" who do you think they're shocked at more? Me coming back and being Head boy or your transformation?" he whispered, chuckling lightly as we walked towards the stage.

" i believe it's kind of equal" i replied, giggling softly, intentionally breathing on his neck, making it seem unintentional and relishing the fact that he shivered as i did so.

"seeing as these two pupils are our heads they shall go first for the re-sorting" Mcgonogal stated as we eventually reached the stage and Draco sat on the stool first.

"Slytherin!" the hat called and Draco winked at me as if to say ' told ya so!' before standing to the side to wait for me.

I slowly sat down, grinning from ear to ear as the hat started muttering in my head, scanning through my changes.

" Ah a very tough one this, i may be changing your house now dear but i do not regret my decision seven years ago, it was a great choice as it has made you the woman you are today, now where to place you"

" how about Slytherin? I believe that house offers great potentional" i whispered, smirking as the old hat pondered the idea.

" it was between Slytherin and Ravenclaw anyway, so..."

"Slytherin!" he eventually called and i grinned as Draco's jaw dropped before i stood and slowly closed it for him.,

" you don't want to catch flies do you Draco?" i teased before winking at him playfully.

" of course not" he mumbled" how the hell did you get in Slytherin, Salazar made it so you have to be half or pure" he eventually exclaimed, over half the school listening to our conversation, thinking the same thing.

" well, i may as well tell you, i was adopted as a baby, all i know about my real parents are that they're pureblood, were death eaters and died as spies for the order in the first war, that's all Proffessor Lupin ever told me anyway, i didn't need to know anymore so i didn't ask anymore, i think my real last name is Graystone or something of the like, very high in pureblood society, never against muggleborns so i hear, just joined Voldermorts ranks out of fear, my father was in Slytherin and My mother in Gryffindor, almost picked for Ravenclaw though, like myself, Belladonna and Orion Graystone, Just below your families ranks, i only found out last year after finally recieving their will, not much of a shock though, i look nothing like my other 'parents'. i'm also told that my mother was a free spirit though spent a lot of her time in books"

" they sound amazing, i think my father was friends with yours, i can speak to him if you wish, find out more, i know you said you didn't really want to know but if you ever do want to find out more then feel free to ask, we can visit him or write to him together, i'm surprised he hadn't recognised you, now that i think of it you look very much like your real mother, i've seen quite a few portraits"

"that would be lovely thank you Draco"

" no problem Hermione, it will be my pleasure, besides he may be more accepting of our friendship if he knew your heratige, may lighten the mood a little" he winked, as i hooped my arm through his again.

" i'm sure it will, now i think it may be time we head up to our common room, don't you?" i asked with a smile, just as the re-sorting finished, i hadn't realised how long my explanation had taken.

Only a few people were re-sorted, Harry, Ginny, and Ron stayed where they were as well as Nevile, Seamus and Dean, unsurprisingly Luna was moved from Ravenclaw into Gryffindor and Blaise Zabini was moved into Ravenclaw with Theodore Nott, everyone else in our year that we new stayed in their own/old houses.

" yes, i'm getting quite tired, do you still have your trunk in your pocket, it might be easier if we unpack ourselves this year, give the castle house elves a break and then we know where everything is" he smiled in return.

" sure" i stated before we began our ascent up the main stairs towards the head dorms.

Once we reached them we were quite impressed by the layout of the common room, especially seeing as there was a T.V and DVD player, along with a kitchenette and breakfast bar so that if we woke up late we wouldn't have to spend ten extra minutes walking down to the Great hall. There was one bathroom between our two rooms and both were exactly the same, even in colour scheme. In each room there was a king sized bed, obviously fit for a king, the bed was a four poster with soft silken sheets and curtains. The bedside tables on either side were oak and the walk in wardrobe on the opposite side to the bathroom was wonderfull. I quickly transferred all of my belongings about the room, using an easy spell to place everything where it needed to be. Once finished i took a look around my room a little more, finding a set of large thick curtains against what seemed to be a plain wall. I opened them, my curiosity getting the better of me.

" Draco! Get that fine arse of yours in here now!" i hollared , grinning as he ran in with a smirk.

" fine arse ay? " he teased, smirking greatly.

" do you have a balcony too?" i asked with a grin, pulling my curtains open for him to see the wonderful view.

" no i dont, you lucky bugger... wow it's beautiful" he replied, staring at the vaste landscape.

" i know, isn't it just..."

"breathtaking" he finished for me, although he was staring at me instead.

I made it look as though i was watching the landscape, although i was watching him through the corner of my eye, and doing a small happy dance inside, before i turned to him slowly, giving him my nicest smile.

" well, i'll see you tomorrow at Breakfast Hermione, sleep tight" he stated before quickly leaving my room with a slight blush to his cheeks.

I smiled to myself and slowly closed the doors to the balcony and the curtains, changing and going into bed calmly, still smiling as i fell into a pleasant slumbre.

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