A little One to One time

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Outside on the grounds...

Pansy had decided to skip her lessons for the rest of the day, choosing to take a leisurely stroll around the castle. She was enjoying her quiet walk when she came across a large oak tree down by the Black lake, the tree itself wasn't of any importance but the sound of a guy sobbing on the other side was of great importance to her curious ears.

" are you okay?" she asked softly, coming around to the tree to come face to face with a red, puffy eyed Ronald Weasley.

"Go on then laugh, you've found me" he grumbled, turning away from her.

" i wasn't going to laugh at you, the thought never even crossed my mind, now can you answer my question? Are you okay?" she replied in question, sitting down beside him calmly.

" No i'm not okay, the love of my life is dead, my best friend hates me, my other friend is mad at me because i hurt my own sister and i can't control my anger anymore" he retorted, leaning against the large tree casually.

"who was the love of your life?" she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder to make him look at her and see her concern, letting him know she cared.

" Lavender, yeah i know she could be annoying, but she was perfect for me, she never failed to make me smile, we had five arguments when we were together and each was resolved within an hour, we didn't even shout at each other unless trying to get each others attention down the corridor, people hated how she called me 'won won' i loved it, it was personal and just for me, When she died in the battle, i felt like it was my fault i mean i couldn't save her, and now everyone's calling us hero's and yet i couldn't save her, so obviously i'm a failure. " he explained solemnly.

" what about Hermione? i thought you dated her after the war?" the girl queried.

" that was just a way to fill the void, she thinks i'm jeleous, but i'm not, i mean i always new she was in love with Malfoy, it was as if she was obsessed, Harry couldn't see it but i could, she just never shut up about him you know? And when anyone else in school called her a name she'd get all teary eyed but when he did, she'd try and prove herself to him, as if just being by him made her stronger...Do you remeber when she described the smell of Amortentia?"

"yeah? What about it?"

"well everyone thaught she was describing me, but she said Freshly mown Grass- The first place she met Malfoy was near the quiditch pitch which had just been cut, Parchment- Which of course meant the library where the two spent most of their time, and finally Spearmint toothpaste- the smell of his breath, She has always been in love with him, she's always liked a badboy and obviously he is one" he concluded seriously.

" i never noticed her obsession with him, he feels the same about her i suppose, i mean he didn't always go to the library to study or read, he just watched her, same at dinner times and such, he'd always be watching her, and of course there's the fact he used to dream about her"

"yeah about that, i though you used to be like an item or something, how are you so cool about all of this?" he questioned with a smirk.

" you look good when you smirk you know" she winked before answering: " well i only did that to try and make someone else jeleous but he was infatuated with someone else, very much as well, i never quie got over the fact that he would never love me, i mean i'm Slytherin, he's Gyffindor, it was obvious he'd pick someone from his own house or from another just not me, he's a great guy, amazing at quiditch, don't tell anyone this but whenever Gryffindor and Slytherin were against each other i'd chear for him instead as well as at other matches, i stayed at the back so i wouldn't get glares from anyone in my house but i'd be rooting for him every time"

"let me guess Harry? Everyone goes for Harry. "

" Nope, to be honest with you i dont really like Harry yes he's loyal and all that crap but he still is always in the spotlight, seems like he's drawn to it, now i know it's probobly not his fault being the chosen one and all but still and what was it with him and distancing himself during fifth and sixth year, and losing his temper at you and 'mione all the time, i mean come on was it so hard to show some support , 'cause really if he cared as much as he say's he does he would have thought of your feelings over his own. i'm sorry but that's just my opinion" she explained , leaning against the tree with him.

"then who?" he investigated.

"you'll find out soon enough, but what i don't understand is why you're so angry about the fact that Hermione and Draco are getting closer" she replied, calmly raising an eyesbrow.

" well, just think about it, it was Death Eaters who killed my brother, and the love of my life, it was Death Eaters who destroyed my home, and naturally Slytherin is connected with the Death eaters, to be honest i don't know why Harry isn't more worked up about this i mean they did kill his family and anyone close to him, but he's always been one to forgive, he even forgave Voldermort and felt sorry for the bastard, but that's him, he's always been abit weird."

" well the thing you need to remeber is that most of us in Slytherin that took part on that side of the war was out of fear and not actually wanting to, like myself and Draco, Voldermort threatend to kill my mother, i know she hasn't been the best mother over the years but she's been there for me"

"wait, so you have the dark mark?" he constested.

" yes, i do" she sighed

"can i see it?" he surprisingly asked.

"sure" she shrugged, rolling up her sleeve to show him the offending mark.

He reached over and slowly began tracing the lines of the mark, making her giggle.

" ah that tickles" she giggled, pulling her arm away from his soft touch.

He chuckled at her reaction, looking up at her blushing face.

"you know Pansy, you're not as bad as i thought you were" he grinned, no signs of his tears on his face anymore. "thank you" he whispered.

"for what?" she asked confusedly.

" for being here, for really comforting me, for taking the time to make me smile" he answered, slowly standing and holding a hand out to help her up.

" no problem" she stated, placing her small hand in his.

"no really, thank you, i don't think anyone else would have cared as much" he confided, placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

" well , you're very much welcome, just remember, if you ever need to talk to someone, you can count on me" she smiled, blushing as his hand lingered on her cheek for a minute.

"i'll see you around okay?" he asked softly.

" of course" she grinned before releasing his hand and strolling away, taking deep breaths when he couldn't see her face to calm her raging heart.

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