Chapter 14: First Flying Lesson

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It was now for flying lessons with Madam Hooch, according to Braxton she was the toughest teacher in the whole school she was firm but fair, all the students lined up as Madam Hooch started the class.

Good afternoon, class said Madam Hooch

Good afternoon, Madam Hooch said the entire class

Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what are you waiting for? everyone step up to left side of your broomstick, Come on now, hurry up! Madam Hooch instructed

Everyone in the class then gathered next to the broomsticks, awaiting their next instruction

Stick your right hand over the broom and say up said Madam Hooch

Up! said the entire class

Then just they said up, the broom shot up from the ground and into Harry's hand, he looked over to see who else had done it, only Henry, Braxton and Draco had gotten the hang everyone else was still having trouble getting the broom to float

Up, Up, Up! said Ron

The broom then hit him on the nose which made Harry, Henry and Braxton laugh and chuckle, eventually after everyone got the hang of the brooms it was time to learn to ride them.

Now, once you've got hold of your broom I want you to mount it and grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end said Madam Hooch

Everyone then mounted on their brooms, Henry looked over at Neville he looked very nervous.

When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard, keep your broom steady, hover for a moment and lean forward slightly and touch back down Madam Hooch instructed

"On my whistle, 3, 2"

The second Madam Hooch blew her whistle, Neville's broomstick started floating and he couldn't control it and instead of coming down and he instead flying out of control

Mr. Longbottom, exactly where do you think you're going? come back down this instant! Madam Hooch commanded

Neville flew in all different direction until he was headed straight towards them, luckily they moved out of the way Neville kept zooming around in the sky until his cloak was caught on the spear of a statue, the cloak then tore off and he fell straight to the ground, Madam Hooch then went straight to check on the boy.

Do you think he's alright? Robin asked Hermione

Madam Hooch then saw that Neville had a broken wrist as he helped him off the ground, Draco Malfoy noticed Neville's Remembrall on the ground at his feet he then picked it up as Madam Hooch advised her students to stay there as he took Neville to the hospital wing.

Everyone keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing understand? said Madam Hooch "If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch"

As Madam Hooch left, Draco kept playing around with Neville's Remembrall.

See his face?, maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall on his fat arse said Draco

Give it here, Malfoy said Harry

That doesn't belong to you! said Henry

Yeah, that belongs to Neville, give it back said Braxton

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