Chapter 15: The Third Floor and Qudditch Practice

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After looking at the display case and attending the rest of their classes, Harry, Henry, Ron, Braxton, Hermione and Robin went back to the Gryffindor common room, on their way up the staircase Hermione kept telling Harry stuff about him that he himself didn't know, of course most of the stuff she learns comes from the books she read, and as for Robin she wasn't book smart like Hermione, but she does have good knowledge on spells and potions and even Muggle literature.

I'm telling you it's spooky, she know more you than you do said Ron

Who doesn't? said Harry

Then suddenly the staircase started moving much to the shock of Harry and his friends.

What's happening?! said Harry

The staircases change, remember? said Hermione

The staircase then stopped on the third floor, so the kids then climbed up the stairs to the third floor corridor and hoped to find a teacher to help them.

Let's go this way said Harry

Before the staircase moves again said Ron

Then they entered through a door and entered a very creepy looking hallway, it was full of creepy statues and cobwebs.

Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here? Ron asked

We're not supposed to be here, this is the third floor it's forbidden said Hermione

Harry then walked in front of one of the pillars which then magically lit on fire, which was their queue to leave.

Let's go said Harry

I agree let's get out of here said Henry

Then just as they were about to leave they heard a familiar mischievous laugh and then Peeves the Poltergeist appeared right through the wall.

What have we got here?, six Sickle Firsties wandering at midnight! said Peeves mischievously

Uncle Peeves!, please don't tell my dad! we were just about to leave said Braxton

Oh alright, I won't tell, Oh Filch, students out of bed!, students out of bed! Peeves called out

You promised you wouldn't tell!! yelled Henry

I promised I wouldn't tell Braxton's father said Peeves

"Who goes there?"

Filch is coming! said Robin

Run! said Harry

Then the second they heard Filch's voice they immediately ran down the hall and Harry and Henry quickly spotted a door at the end of the hall and they ran towards it hoping they would hide behind it.

Quick let's hide through that door! said Harry

Harry then tried opening the door but soon realized it was locked.

It's locked! exclaimed Harry

that's it, we're done for! said Ron worried

Oh move over! said Hermione as she and Robin pushed them out of the way

Hermione and Robin then got out their wands and used a spell they learned to open the door.

Alohomora! said Hermione and Robin

The spell worked and the door and they hid inside the room and closed the door behind them, now the group hid hoping Peeves wouldn't rat them out to Filch.

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