Chapter 17: The Quidditch Match

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2 Weeks Later
Saturday November 16th 1991

Today was a big day for Hogwarts, it was the day of the first Quidditch Match of the school year, while everyone was eating their breakfast, Harry wasn't touching his food due to his nervousness, his friends suggested he had to eat something.

Come on Harry, at least take some toast or something said Henry

Yeah, we've got a big game later today said Braxton

they're right Harry, you're going to need your strength today said Hermione

I'm not hungry said Harry

Snape then approached the Gryffindor table and wished him luck or rather his own attempt of saying good luck.

Good luck today Potter, then again now that you and your friends proven yourselves against a troll a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you even it is against Slytherin said Snape

As Snape walked away Harry and Henry noticed he was walking with a limp, it looked very suspicious.

You saw that, right? Henry asked Harry

That explains the blood said Harry

Blood? asked Hermione confused

Hermione, Robin, Ron and Braxton then started listening to Harry and Henry about their suspicions on Snape.

Listen, last night I'm guessing Snape let the troll is as a diversion so he could get past that three headed dog, but he got himself bitten that's why he's limping said Harry

But why would anyone go near that dog? asked Robin

She's right, I mean what could Snape possibly want from whatever is in that room? asked Braxton

Well the day we were at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults, he said it was Hogwarts business very secret said Harry

Hermione, you said yourself there was a trap door where the dog was standing, that it must be guarding something said Henry

So You're saying? asked Hermione

That's what the dog's guarding, that's what Snape wants Harry concluded

But could that dog be guarding that Snape would want?, gold?, a secret chamber? asked Ron

I don't know said Harry

Suddenly they heard of owls chirping and they looked up to see Hedwig and Newt flying down carrying three oddly shaped parcels that were for Harry, Henry and Braxton, which they caught as soon they received them.

A bit early for mail, isn't it? said Hermione

But I never get mail said Harry

Let's open them said Ron

They then opened up parcels to reveal three brooms, which were a surprise to them

It's a broomsticks said Harry

Those aren't just broomsticks Harry, It's a Nimbus 2000 and Henry your broom it's a Comet '65, the rarest broom in the world said Ron as he recognized the model of the brooms

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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