Strangers Pt. 1

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Atlas's POV:

I couldn't sleep, but then again, when could I ever? Carefully swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, not wanting to make too much noise, I make my way to the door. The moon illuminates the village, acting as the only light source. I start towards the forest, going for my nightly walk.

The wind bites at my exposed arms and I shiver. "A jacket would be great right now." I grumble to myself as I walk through the thick woodland. "Too late now. Damnit Altas, it's the middle of winter and you don't bring a-" My words suddenly came to a halt as I see someone lying in my path. "The hell?"

I slowly walk over to the body on the forest floor and kneel down next to it. I could see it's chest moving up and down, so it's alive. Upon further inspection I can tell exactly what it is. By the rounded off ears and short hair I note that it's probably a human boy. A sudden soft snore came from the person, startling me.

The boy on the ground had twigs in his brown hair, and a few scrapes on his face. He was sprawled out across the grass. Very lanky. I think to myself. I can't just leave it here. The wolves will tear him apart. And with my decision made, I scoop the tall boy in my arms and head back to the village.

It was fine until halfway back the human shifted in my arms.

I know this was short and it might have been a little awkward. Sorry about that :/ I haven't written on here in a while. Hope you're all doing great today. Maybe the next chapter will be longer, it'll be from Harvey's perspective starting from where I stopped.

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