Looks Like I'm Turning Into an Elixirist

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Harvey's POV:

"You're an idiot." I tell Atlas for the hundredth time this morning.

"And you're surprised...why?" He asks, happily walking down the cobblestone road towards a huge tree.

It was like one of those Giant Sequoia trees...but 5 times bigger, and hollowed out. It had doors, windows, stairs, and swings all over it. All of which go all the way up the gigantic tree. I guess Atlas noticed my awe and stopped yapping.

"Hey, Harvs...you listening?" He asks, tapping my shoulder to break me from my amazement.

"Uh-huh... what is this?"

"Oh that? That's the library. I'm gonna read up on some beginner's potions." Atlas shrugs, as if this is totally normal. Well, I guess it is for him.

"Potions? Library? What?"

"Ohhhh, I forgot that you just got here. So, as you know, Elves are magical. Most of us can do basic plant growing spells, and other things of that nature. And since you, my sunshiney friend, are human, you'll probably be absolutely obliterated in training. So I'm gonna teach you how to make some defensive and offensive potions."

I looked at him as if he'd just grown an extra head. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"Wait...what?" I asked, feeling like an absolute dope for not understanding a word he said.

"Let me dumb this down for you. I can do magic. You can't. I show you how to magic so you don't die when we go to war. Got it, sunshine?"

I grumble and cross my arms. "Got it." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "On the topic of the war, are we trying out? Or are they just taking anyone?"

"The General is getting desperate. We don't have enough people willingly joining, so we've been in the military ever since we told him we'd do it." Atlas shrugs. "Now, time to turn you into a potion master...or as close to one as you'll get."

He puts his hand on my shoulder with a gentle squeeze, he has this crooked grin on his lips. It gives me some hope. Key word...some.


Hey my sweets! It's been a while. I honestly forgot that Wattpad existed until today. Glad to start back up on the story though. It's been pretty fun. (:

Anywayyyyy see you all soon. <3333

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