Not So Good News

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Atlas's POV:

"I can't do it." Lily admitted, stepping away from Harvey.

"What?!" Harvey and I exclaim in unison.

"I can't do it. There's no record of any humans coming to Starniar. Heck, there's no record of humans even existing. There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, Harvey."

I looked over at the other boy, he stared ahead. I couldn't read his expression, we were both so confused.

I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a sympathetic look. He shrugs me off.

"Look, Harvs-" I try to talk, but he storms off before I can get another word in.
Harvey's POV:

I'm...stuck here. My family. My friends. My school.... I'll never see them again.
I walk away, I don't know where to, but I needed a breather.

I somehow got to Town Hall, and I sat down on the front steps, putting my head in my hands and wondering how the hell I even got into this mess.

I hear footsteps in front of me, expecting it to be Atlas, I don't look up.
"Go away, Atl-"

A deep voice cuts me off, leaving me severely confused. I look up at the stranger. He was in one of those uniforms that me and Atlas saw earlier. The uniforms were purple with yellow and gold designs. Serious, but elegant. He was a big guy, not that tall, and he had a mustache that looked more like a caterpillar died on his lip.

"Excuse me sir, would you be interested in joining the army?" He asks, the sudden question catching me off guard. Without letting me answer, he hands me a slip of paper and walks away.

It had all the information that I needed on it. They really need anyone they can get.



Welp, that's it for now. Here's the question: Will Harvey join? Or will Atlas talk him out of it. Tune in next time on...

*Cue really bad outro music*

Happily Ever.... Nevermind

I also edited it some to add a lil more description of the uniforms :3

Happily Ever.... NevermindWhere stories live. Discover now