If You're Going Down, So Am I!

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Atlas's POV:

It's been around half an hour since Harvey left. I started to get really concerned, so I went out to look for him.

After what felt like forever, I finally found the boy sitting outside of Town Hall with a piece of paper in his hands.

I ran over to him, completely out of breath.

"Geez-" I'm practically wheezing. "Of all places, you choose the building on the other side of town? Really?" I ask with a small laugh.

He looks up at me, as if I pulled him out of deep thought. "Oh, hey."

"Hey? That's all I get? I run across the world for you and I get a simple 'oh, hey'? Wow...I feel the love." I say dramatically, sitting next to Harvey. "Whatcha got there?" I question, peeking over his shoulder.

"Nothing." He folds up the piece of paper and stuffs it in his pocket before I can get a good look at it.

"No, c'mon, tell me!" I pout.

"It's just a sign up sheet."


"Joining the Elvish army..." Harvey admitted.

"What!? You can't do that! That's absolutely idiotic!" I cross my arms and lean away from him.

"There's nothing better to do." He shrugged off my obvious concern.

"Yeah, there is! Like surviving!"

Harvey simply shrugs, not saying anything else.

"Fine. Since you wanna do this...I will too."

"What?! No!" He exclaimed, sounding alarmed. Harvey's head whips around to look at me.

"Why not? You are. Besides I'm like your only friend here. You're not gonna make it without me." I grin.


"Nope, no talking me out of it. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not, amigo."

Harvey sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Seriously?" He grumbles. "Whatever. I guess you can come with."

"Cool! I wonder if I look good in purple." I wink.

Guess who's baaack~

Meeeee! I'm back, and there's nothin you can do about it >:3

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