Strangers Pt. 2

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Harvey's POV:

The feeling of a chill breeze and the sound of crunching leaves wake me up. I feel a source of warmth coming from next to me. I instinctively shift towards it with a yawn, but then I hear a heartbeat...and suddenly, I realize that I'm being carried.

Startled out of my tiredness, I jumped and suddenly hit the ground.
"Ow! What the hell?!"

I look up and see a boy, staring down at me, looking quite surprised himself.
He was tall, at least he was from this angle. He had black hair that fell in front of his face at the slightest movement, and very green eyes. My eyes were drawn to his ears, they went up to a point....weird.

"Um- I'm sorry. You scared me." The boy finally replied, coming out of his confusion. "I'm Atlas. You were sleeping in the woods. I was trying to help-" He held out his hand, I couldn't tell if it was to help me up or for me to shake.

Atlas? Nice name... I snapped myself out of my thoughts, and I cleared my throat. "Harvey." I grab his hand, pulling myself up then shaking his hand. "And thanks... I guess?" I look around, seeing that we're on the edge of the tree line and I can see a few buildings, houses, and treehouses...lots of treehouses. "Wait, where am I? Where are we?"

"Oh? This is Swindon." He motions to the village-like place. "Elvish territory." Atlas added, as if that was supposed to make sense to me.

"Uh-huh...and what exactly is 'Elvish territory'?" I felt like an idiot. Elf's? Those are only in storybooks. Am I going crazy? Is this some weird dream?

"Well, it's Elf land." He tries to explain, acting as if this is common knowledge.

"But Elves are only in fiction books. They aren't real... right?" Gods, I feel so stupid. Is this some sort of joke?

"And I thought humans only existed in fiction books, but here you are, Mr. Round Ears." Atlas crosses his arms with a cheeky grin.

Where am I?


Heyo! I thought I did a little better on this chapter than the last one :p

I'll add some other characters later in the next chapter. Maybe. Hopefully. I dunno ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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