Learning Pt. 1

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Harvey's POV:

"So, you're probably really confused about where you are, right?"

Atlas questions. He decided to wait until morning, when we both got proper sleep, to explain this to me. We start by walking around the village. I can't help but notice people giving me weird looks.

"No duh. Of course I'm confused. I go to sleep in my bed and wake up in the middle of the woods, being carried by a fucking Elf." I retorted, maybe sounding a bit too aggressive.

"Woah, easy there sunshine. I have a name you know." Atlas crosses his arms, grinning.

"Yeah, so do I, and it's not sunshine." I won't admit it, but the nickname gave me a nice feeling.
No, stop it Harvey! We don't have time for that.

"Okay, okay. Valid point. Right now I'm trying to help you out. Ask me some questions." He motions for me to start talking.

"Well..." I trail off, thinking for a second. "What exactly are Elves? Are other magical creatures like unicorns, dragons, pixies, fairies, and werewolves real too? How do I get home? Who are these people, and why are they looking at me like I'm crazy?"

Atlas has to take a second to process all of that. "Okay, for starters..one question at a time. Elves are kinda like humans, but we can also use magic. Yes, other 'creatures' like us exist. I don't know how to get you home as of the moment. We'll work on that later."

He finally takes a look around. "Oh, they're looking at you like that because they do think you're crazy." Atlas tells me, looking back at me with a lopsided smile.

"Hmm...nice to know." I grumble under my breath, shoving my hands into my hoodie pockets.

I look up from my sulking and see Atlas talking to someone, a girl. She had long, red hair that was put into a braid, freckles, and big, brown, doe eyes. Something about her looked familiar.

"Hey, Harvey! C'mere! I want you to meet someone!" Atlas enthusiastically waves me over. I swear, he has the personality of a puppy. Not like he'd know what that means. They do have puppies here, right?

I pull myself out of my thoughts and trudge over to them. "What?"

"This is Lily." Altas smiles and tilts his head. That's it. There's nothing telling me that he's not a golden retriever in disguise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you..." Lily looks over at Atlas then back at me. "...Harvey." She holds out her hand for me to shake, but she looks as if I'll bite it off.

"I wish I could say the same." I reply bitterly, my blue eyes boring into her brown ones.

"Harvey! Don't be so rude! Sorry, Lils, he's a bit cranky this morning." Atlas laughs a little, elbowing me in the side.
"Now is not the time, Harvs, she can help you."

My face flushes, I haven't heard anyone call me 'Harvs' in a long time. But I'll just say I'm blushing from embarrassment....yeah... embarrassment.

This is gonna be a long day...

Hiya! Hope you're all doing beautifully! I think this chapter gave us a better feel of the two main characters' personalities. It's definitely giving black cat and golden retriever energy. Next chapter will be from Atlas's perspective. Hope you're enjoying. Love y'all.

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