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Catherine and Alice lounged in the cozy living room of Catherine's family home, surrounded by familiar comforts and warm lighting. They had spent countless hours together, sharing secrets and dreams, and Catherine considered Alice her rock. But tonight, Alice's expression was troubled, her eyes clouded with a stormy intensity.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Catherine asked, concern etched on her face.

Alice's words spilled out like a pent-up flood. "You have everything, Catherine! Perfect grades, a loving family, a bright future... and I'm just stuck in this miserable life, watching you soar ahead while I'm left in the dust!"

Catherine reached out, trying to calm her friend. "Alice, that's not true! We're in this together, always. And nobody's perfect, we all have our struggles—"

But Alice's anger and resentment boiled over. "You think you're so much better than me, don't you, Catherine? With your perfect life and your perfect relationships... I'll show you what it means to be imperfect!"

In a flash of rage, Alice grabbed the knife that they used to cut some fruit a few hours ago from the counter and plunged it into Catherine's chest.

As Catherine slumped back, her eyes wide with shock and pain, Alice's face twisted in a grotesque grimace. "Now I can take back the life that was supposed to be mine..."

And with that, she left Catherine to die, the silence of the house a stark contrast to the turmoil that had just erupted. Catherine's eyes welled up in tears at the sudden betrayal, she couldn't believe that Alice, her childhood best friend, stabbed her just because she was jealous of her life.

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