Chapter 14: Slowburn

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Phoebe and Catherine sat in the attic, surrounded by old trunks and dusty artifacts. They had spent the afternoon exploring the house, laughing and joking like they always did. But as the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the room, Phoebe's expression turned serious.

"Catherine, can I ask you something?" Phoebe said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Catherine's ghostly form quivered, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Of course, Phoebe. What's on your mind?"

Phoebe hesitated, her heart racing with anticipation. "I was just you ever feel like we're more than just friends?" she asked, her eyes locked on Catherine's face.

Catherine's expression softened, her eyes filling with warmth. "Phoebe, you're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Phoebe's face fell, her heart sinking with disappointment. But then she saw the hint of a smile on Catherine's face, and her heart skipped a beat.

"I mean, we're incredibly close, Phoebe," Catherine continued. "But I think that's what makes our friendship so special. We can be ourselves around each other, without fear of judgment."

Phoebe nodded, her eyes shining with understanding. "You're right, Catherine. Our friendship is special. And I promise to always cherish it, no matter what."

Catherine's ghostly form glowed brighter, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I promise the same, Phoebe. We'll always be there for each other, no matter what."

As they hugged, Phoebe felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that her feelings for Catherine might never be reciprocated, but she was grateful for their friendship nonetheless. And who knows? Maybe someday, Catherine would see her in a different light.

As they pulled back, Phoebe's eyes lingered on Catherine's face, her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to tell her, to confess her feelings and see if there was a chance for something more. But she couldn't find the words, not yet.

"Hey, Catherine?" Phoebe said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" Catherine replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Phoebe's face flushed, her heart racing with excitement. "I just wanted to look really beautiful in the sunset light."

Catherine's ghostly form glowed brighter, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thanks, Phoebe. You're pretty great yourself."

Phoebe's heart skipped a beat, her eyes locked on Catherine's face. She knew it was a small moment, a tiny hint at her feelings. But she hoped that someday, Catherine would see the truth in her eyes, and feel the same way.

But for now, they just sat in comfortable silence, watching the sunset fade into darkness. Phoebe's mind raced with thoughts of Catherine, of their friendship, and of the possibility of something more. She knew it was a slow burn, but she was willing to wait for Catherine to come around.

As they sat there, Phoebe reached out and took Catherine's hand, her heart pounding in her chest. It was a small gesture, but it was a start. And as Catherine didn't pull away, Phoebe felt a sense of hope that she had never felt before.

Maybe someday, they would be more than just friends. But for now, Phoebe was content to just be near Catherine, to feel her presence and enjoy her company. It was a slow burn, but Phoebe was willing to wait for the flame to ignite.

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