Chapter nine: New friend(?)

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Catherine wandered the city streets at night, her ghostly form drifting through the crowds with ease. She loved the vibrant energy of the city, the way the lights and sounds blended together in a mesmerizing symphony. As she turned a corner, she noticed a small chess table in the park, with a single figure hunched over the board.

The girl had short, curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes, her focus entirely on the game. Catherine was drawn to her, sensing a kindred spirit. She watched from afar, captivated by the girl's intensity, until she couldn't resist any longer. She floated closer, her presence unnoticed, and began to move the pieces on the board.

The girl looked up, startled, but instead of fear, a curious expression crossed her face. "You're a ghost," she stated, her voice calm and confident.

Catherine smiled, taken aback by the girl's composure. "Guilty as charged," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

The girl introduced herself as Phoebe, the daughter of a Ghostbuster, and Catherine was intrigued. As they continued playing chess, their conversation flowed effortlessly, like they had known each other for years. Phoebe found Catherine's ghostly presence comforting, and Catherine was struck by Phoebe's bravery and intelligence.

As the night wore on, they discovered a shared love for chess, old movies, and adventure. Catherine felt a connection she hadn't experienced in decades, a sense of belonging with someone who accepted her for who she was. Phoebe, too, felt an inexplicable comfort around Catherine, like she had found a long-lost friend.

As they played, Catherine found herself stealing glances at Phoebe, admiring her determination and passion. She couldn't help but notice the way Phoebe's eyes sparkled when she made a clever move. Phoebe, meanwhile, was drawn to Catherine's ethereal beauty and mysterious aura. She found herself wondering what it would be like to hold Catherine's hand, to feel her ghostly touch.

As the game ended, Catherine knew she had to return to the mansion. Before parting ways, she gave Phoebe a gentle side hug, which Phoebe happily returned. As they embraced, Catherine felt a warmth she thought she'd never feel again, a sense of being seen and understood. Phoebe, too, felt a flutter in her chest, a sense of excitement she couldn't ignore.

As they went their separate ways, they both felt an inexplicable flutter in their chests, like butterflies dancing in their stomachs. Catherine vanished into the night, her heart feeling lighter than it had in years. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had just met someone special, someone who saw beyond her ghostly form and appreciated her for who she was.

Phoebe sat back down at the chess table, her fingers tracing the squares, lost in thought. She felt a sense of wonder, knowing that she had just met a ghost who made her feel alive. And as she sat there, she whispered to herself, "I'll see you again, Cat. Soon."

As the days went by, Phoebe and Catherine found themselves thinking about each other more and more. Whenever Phoebe thought about Catherine, she felt a flutter in her chest, like butterflies dancing in her stomach. And Catherine, too, felt the same way, her heart skipping a beat whenever she thought about Phoebe. They both couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them, and when they would see each other again.

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