Chapter 16 : Last moment

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Roberto and Aaron walked through the front door, exhausted from a long day out. They had spent the afternoon running errands and grabbing a late lunch, and were looking forward to unwinding at home. As they entered the living room, they expected to see Catherine lounging on the couch, laughing and chatting with Alice, her best friend. But instead, they were met with a scene that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Catherine sat leaning against a cabinet, her body slumped forward, holding her stab wound. She was sobbing, her eyes filled with tears, her face pale and clammy. Roberto's heart stopped as he rushed to his daughter's side, kneeling down and cradling her in his arms. Aaron stood frozen, his eyes fixed on the scene in disbelief.

"Dad...?" Aaron's voice trembled, as if hoping Roberto could somehow make it all go away.

Roberto's face contorted in anguish as he held Catherine's limp body. "Oh,, no, no...please, no!" He rocked her back and forth, as if trying to will her back to life.

Catherine's sobs grew weaker, her body shaking with pain. "Dad.. I don't wanna die..." she whimpered, her voice barely audible.

Roberto's sobs grew louder, his body shaking with grief. "No, baby, no! Don't say that! You're going to be okay!" He held her against his chest, kissing her forehead repeatedly, as if trying to revive her.

But it was too late. Catherine's body went limp, and her sobs ceased. Roberto held her lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably, as Aaron stood frozen in shock.

The room fell silent, except for Roberto's sobs and Aaron's stunned gasps. Aaron's eyes fixed on his sister's lifeless body, and he felt a wave of anger wash over him. Who could have done this? Why?

As the reality of the situation set in, Roberto's sobs turned to wails, and Aaron's gaze turned to horror. They held each other, clinging to the last moments they had with Catherine, their hearts heavy with sorrow.

The once happy family was now consumed by darkness, their lives forever scarred by the tragedy that had befallen them. The room fell silent, except for Roberto's sobs and Aaron's stunned gasps, as they struggled to come to terms with the loss of their beloved Catherine.

Aaron's mind raced with questions. Who could have done this? Why? And where was Alice? He knew he had to find out, for his sister's sake, and for his own.

He took a step back, his eyes fixed on his sister's lifeless body, and knew that he would do everything in his power to find justice for her. He would find out what had happened, and he would make sure that whoever was responsible paid for their crime.

As the silence in the room grew thicker, Roberto and Aaron held each other, their hearts heavy with grief, their lives forever changed by the tragedy that had befallen them. They knew that they would never forget this moment, this scene, and they would do everything in their power to make sure that Catherine's memory lived on.

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