Chapter 18: Spending Time With Family

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Catherine and her ghost family, Violet, Athena, Kailea, James, Robin, Seraphina, Milli, Valerie, Evie, and Leylah, walked into the ice cream parlor, excited for a sweet treat. The bell above the door rang out as they entered, and the sweet aroma of freshly made waffle cones filled the air.

Kailea, with a big smile, stepped up to the counter and ordered a cone with two scoops of their favorite flavor. "I'm so excited to share this with all of you!" They bounced up and down, their eyes shining with excitement.

Catherine thought for a moment before ordering her favorite, chocolate chip ice cream. She couldn't wait to take a lick of the creamy treat.

The others cheered and clapped, eager to enjoy their own ice cream cones. Violet asked for a cone with a special ghostly sprinkle on top, while Athena opted for a classic chocolate. James and Robin shared a sundae with two spoons, and Seraphina got a cone with a colorful rainbow of sprinkles. Milli and Valerie shared a milkshake, and Evie and Leylah got cones with glittery ice cream.

As they licked their treats, they chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. Catherine felt grateful for these special moments with her ghost family. They brought her so much joy and love, and she knew she could always count on them.

Kailea took a lick of their cone and closed their eyes in bliss. "This is the best ice cream ever!" They exclaimed, and the others agreed.

Catherine took a lick of her chocolate chip ice cream and smiled, savoring the delicious flavor. "This is my favorite!" She exclaimed, and the others nodded in agreement.

As they finished their ice cream, the group hugged and thanked Kailea for the treat. "That was the best day ever!" Catherine exclaimed, beaming with happiness.

The group left the ice cream parlor, arms around each other, and walked off into the sunset, ready for their next adventure together.

As they walked, Catherine realized that this was what family was all about - love, support, and sharing special moments together. And she knew that she would always have her ghost family by her side.

They walked for a while, enjoying the warm sunshine and each other's company. Then, they decided to play a game of ghostly tag, running and laughing through the streets.

After a while, they settled down in a park, watching the stars twinkle to life in the night sky. Catherine felt grateful for this special day with her ghost family, and she knew that she would always treasure this memory.

As they sat there, Kailea turned to the group with a mischievous grin. "Who's up for a ghostly adventure?" They asked, and the others cheered and clapped.

And with that, they set off into the night, ready for their next adventure together.

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