Cigar for the morrow

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"Damnit why are you so heavy"a man said while carrying a black trash bag a few miles off dayview city into a clearing

As he dropped the bag a small dust cloud was formed

"For a skinny guy you weigh a ton" wiping his sweat John sighed it's been a day since he killed Jessie

And the consequences soon followed

My hands we're shaking as I held on to the revolver there laid Jessie dead covered in the blood of Sasha and his

Resisting the urge to vomit the adrenaline from today fell as I held onto the counter I tried to calm myself shutting my eyes I took a deep breath and then exhaled opening my eyes there he was gulping one last time I knew I couldn't just leave him there

Using the opportunity of the store being empty I rushed to get the cleaning supplies from the janitor closet and came back

It took me an hour to get rid of all the blood  the reason well Jessie blood was thick extremely so it felt like I was scraping of impossibly stubborn gum from the floor instead of blood

As I sighed my hands were stained red so were my clothes looking at the counter were I left Sasha gold necklace my chest hurt

Looking away I stared at the only thing that could keep my mind off of it Jessie

To think I was related to a monster heh ma was right she always said there was something wrong with Jessie

"Now what am I going to do with you"as I stared at the countless precise shots I fired at him I had to thank all those hunting simulators I've played growing up at the arcade

Thinking back to what jessie said before I shot him something about a veil unraveling is this why no ones in here did he do what he did confidently knowing he wouldn't get seen?

So many questions maybe I shouldn't have shot him

Maybe he knew something about my parents maybe sighing I stood up and grabbed a trash bag it was time

"Fuck" struggling to get him in the trash bag he was heavy like seriously I am no slouch I can confidently say I can squat 500 pounds and bench 450 so why the fuck can't I carry a guy built like a twig

After countless tries I finally did it "Yes!!"


His legs tore through the bag before the rest fell with it

By the time I was done it was one in the afternoon as I carried him to my truck I threw him in the trunk and drove out of the parking lot just wanting to get out of there

But if I would of stayed longer I would've saw what he meant by the veil unraveling

Shaking his head he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of expensive cigars that he decide to gift himself

Lighting up one I inhaled deeply as I looked to the setting sun I-cough- like I was saying I—cough-

As I started coughing I threw the cigar to the floor before catching my breath and glaring at it

No words were exchanged but everything was said as I walked to my truck I grabbed a shovel it was time to work

By the time the hole was big enough I picked up the black trash bag before throwing it in there

Grabbing the lighter fluid that my pops had in the truck I poured the whole bottle on it

As I looked at the drenched trash bag I decided it was time "here's my two week notice"

With a flick of my wrist I threw my lighter and not  a second to soon it was lit

Not even deciding to stay till the fire stopped I got into my truck and left
Laying down in my hotel room a composition notebook was opened picturing a creature that looked like Jessie detailing the height and possible weight I closed it

I've been busy every time I close my eyes I see my empty house surrounded by police so I decided to occupy myself with this

Jessie was a monster and am not taking chances he was the only one so I've been researching down at the library about monsters

Specifically monster that share his traits and what I've come up with was a troll at first I thought he was a werewolf but I changed my mind if he was a werewolves he would've smelled me when he walked past me but he didn't

At that leads me to my next question why is there a troll in dayview? Research show they live in caves or high in the mountains at least that what folk lore says yet here he was a troll  running a supermarket

Sighing I opened up the composition notebook again and looked at him before scribbling some more notes and closing it

"Honestly I could've  chose a better name"looking at the title of my notebook brought the inner cringe in me came out

[Enigma's Ledger ]

Before I could cringe any more about it someone knocked on my door tensing up I slowly grabbed my empty revolver

I headed for the door as  another knock came I looked through the peephole and gripped my revolver before I relaxed standing infront with a frown on her face was Ana rios a police officer

As I opened the door I noticed she looked tired her hair wasent brushed and she carried darks circles under her eyes

"Mr.Logan it was hard getting ahold of you I was worried"

She said as her faces relaxed when she saw me and that when I remembered I destroyed my phone a while back

"Sorry my phone broke"as I led her inside she saw how unkept the room was as she sat down on the bed

"I noticed but that not why am here"

Raising a eyebrow I leaned against the wall and looked at her

"Then what are you here for"

Sighing she looked straight at me"right now we have no leads  and frankly the FBI are pulling the sorry John there nothing I can do"

She talked some more but I didn't listen before she left she hugged me

But nothing registered the small hope that my parents could be found vanished after all there only one reason they would be involved.......

As I sat for hours looking at the wall not moving a inch something fell breaking me out of my daze I looked and there it was laying on the ground my notebook sprawled open

That was the trigger grabbing it I stared at the picture of Jessie

Before getting the truck keys on the counter

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