battle of the old church

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"This is the place"as I checked the address before folding the paper

The first address belonging to  Kurt boomer led me to a church in the west side of dayview city

I don't know if I should be thankful for his religious views but that wasn't gonna change a thing on what I was gonna do

As I entered the church a sermon was taking  place

"Brothers and sisters under the shared embrace of our Heavenly Father

Rejoice for today is going to be a blessed day"spoke a man dressed in clergy robes with one hand on his bible and the other raised high in the air

As everyone cheered they crowded the preacher as he shared words with each and everyone of them

Distracted by a pulling sensation I looked down and a little girl was there
"Mr what are you doing"

"Nothing for you to worry about now go on to your mama"shooing the little girl away she gave me one last look before disappearing with the crowd

As the preacher smiled at me he waved me over "ah a new face it wonderful to meet you stranger "

Grabbing my shoulders he nudged me towards the statue of Jesus Christ
"But strangers no longer after All under the embrace of our god we are all Family"

As he offered a prayer he clasped his hand together shutting his eyes

This was my chance but as I saw this act of kindness I didn't know what to do was he the monster or was he just a preacher praising the words of god

Still as I reached into my jacket gripping the revolver I stopped I needed to make sure

Finishing his prayer I accepted it "thank you pastor"

"It's no problem but am not pastor just a preacher"

My confusion most have showed as he explained he was a  preacher spreading the gospel of the lord

Thanking myself for not just shooting him I nodded

"Then where is the pastor ?"

"Ah pastor Kurt will not be with us he has developed a cold and with his old age I fear for his health

But he did really wish to be here"


"And do you think it might be possible for me to meet him I know it's a sudden  but" as I covered my face with my hand I faked a cry

"My mother has just recently passed and she knew the pastor I just wish to tell him of her passing"

I always was a good liar maybe even a bit too good as he grabbed a napkin and passed it towards me as I  wiped my crocodile tears from eyes

"Thank you"

He nodded before he prayed for safe passage for my mother in heaven

This hurt not knowing if they were even alive I shook my dark thoughts away and focused

"Don't worry am sure the pastor could make time for you Mr am sorry I haven't asked for your name"

"Logan my names Logan"

"It nice to meet you Logan am victor"


"Watch your step the woods a bit weak around here" passing by a broken piece of floor he led me up towards the east section of the church

Still the closer we got towards the pastor room the odder it got the portraits hanging on the wall seemed to follow me

I wouldn't be surprised if I see a upside down cross around here

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