sweet part2

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Siting around the table a group of three happy cyclops sang in glee

"Oh GrEaT oNe🎶 Oh GrEaT OnE🎶 hOw dO ThE tEaRs oF OlD hErO's TaSte 🎶

Oh GrEaT oNe🎶 Oh GrEaT OnE🎶  wHeN yOu DeCeNd ThE AgE oF mAn WiLl EnD🎶

Oh GrEaT oNe🎶 Oh GrEaT OnE🎶  SoOn YoUr SlUmBeR sHalL EnD🎶

Oh GrEaT oNe🎶 Oh GrEaT OnE🎶 
TrUe To YoUr WoRd The GoDs HaVE fLeD🎶"

Stomping there foots in rhythm another came out humming the same tune of their song

Holding a furnace the size of a house she placed it in the middle

"My beautiful babes mommy cooked you a very special meal one your late father liked dig in its human on a stick  with mommy special secret ingredient"

Opening the furnace the fires blazed as the cyclops youngest chose first while the eldest held down the second who struggled under his brother grip

Meanwhile Hidden under the wepons of the cyclops was logan his skin grew paler by the minute sweat rolled down his forehead as he pushed himself to stay awake

Looking down at the hole In my stomach that was starting to leak I fought through the drowsiness

I focused on what's  at hand now it time to finish what I started

Grunting i should have come better prepared if I knew there were four I would killed them in there sleep but now that not an option

But there is one good thing there not expecting me

Fishing in my pockets I pulled out a wrapped bead as I delicately held it

I grimaced this bead alone was a item I painstakingly did not want use unless I absolutely had to

It doesn't really have a name or if it does it long been forgotten in history

But I like to call it the devils nut

Got it a few hunts back from a ratman that a story for another day though

Before unwrapping it I plugged my nose with old ear plugs found on the floor

3....2...1 as soon as I unwrapped it they snapped their head towards me drawn by the intoxicating smell I threw it as far I could

They ran for it ignoring me entirely as it called for them luring them

Pure carnage as they ripped each other apart just to get the bead it was a gruesome scene this was the power of the devils nut and why I never wanted to use it

Once it was done they were all dead a pile of corpse for a bead that wished to feast

As I watched the devils nut levitate black miasma was pulled from each of the cyclops as it absorbed their souls after it was finished feasting it fell to the ground as if nothing ever happened
Staring down the devils nut trapped in a container covered in the hide of blessed parchment filled with power full text blessed by the good fellow I lit up a cigar lately I've been smoking more and more I used to not even imagine me even touching one but now it is a daily thing

Sighing I should really stop doing it  to much

I thought back when I showed Victor the devils nut he was scared even more so when he saw the hertic

He warned me that something old something evil was  at work and I believed him

he come by regularly to replace the blessed parchment and to clear the atmosphere of evil whatever that mean

God knowsI I ain't pure but I need to keep it safe the more it eats the stronger it gets

At least with me protecting the chances of anyone finding it are null standing up I walked to my workbench as my trusty revolver was getting a upgrade coated with the blessing of the good fellow the bones of a cyclops the mist of the shadow blight and lastly the blood of a hunter

Don't know if it going to work like last time but I'll be damned if I don't try

Slashing at the palm of my hand blood fell on my revolver

As I hit it with a hammer a bright flash occurred covering the whole warehouse with its light

Once it was gone there it was my revolver as dark as the  night as a passage of golden text moved along the barrel of the gun

It was heavier more compact gripping it I heard a soft hum

"Well that new"

Humming again I felt it readjusting to my hand once finished it felt more natural

"A sentient gun huh not the weirdest thing I've seen" as a picture of a shadow blight and pigeon played out in my mind

"You don't mind if i name you right buddy" humming loudly I laughed

"Anarchy it means free from the shackles that wish to hold you down that your name"humming repeatedly it nuzzled on my palm

If anyone were to see this they will think am crazy for talking to a gun

"Time for a test run " as anarchy hummed in response I set up a few empty bottles of corona 

as the golden text circled around the barrel at a fast pace I fired obliterating the corona bottles with one shot

"Nice now let's try something different" aiming at the piles of destroyed cars that were stil here I aimed at one spot before shooting someone else

The bullet fired instead of going straight it swerved and shot at the previous place I aimed at
"I think this is the start to a wonderful relationship"

Boom!crash! Throughout the day loud explosions were heard from the warehouse

"Now this is what I call cleaning up" after hours of work they like to call it  the whole warehouse was devoid of any  piles of trash there previous resident left behind but some still stayed

As whatever could be sold as scrap was sorted it out and vechiles that could be used stayed

"I'll sell the scrap for cash and start on my next project"

Anarchy hummed confused

Smiling Logan stared straight ahead

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