hells kitchens

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In the edges of dayview city were the roads leading into old town branched off a black pickup drove through the night

As it passed just before entering old town he took a left and stopped infront of a broken down house where the gate layed destroyed on the floor

Getting of his truck John grabbed his revolver alongside his newly purchased machete that hung to his waist

He grabbed a handful of ammo where he loaded it and made sure to not to forget his flashlight

Closing the door to his truck he stepped over the gate

"For running a supermarket you would think he would be living a lavish lifestyle "looking at the ground mess was littered everwhere trash broken glass and etc

Scoffing I walked to the porch the closer I got the more trash there was as I ignored the stench of axe body spray I looked through the broken window making sure no one was there before  kicking the  the door open

"God it smell worse inside" pinching my nose the stench was strong and the reason was infront of me the house was absolutely full with trash I could see  mountains of stained clothing probably earlier victims of Jessie and feces splattered on the walls and floor alongside puddles of urine

Ignoring the ugly site I turned on my flashlight and made my way passed the mountains of trash and clothing into what I assumed was the kitchen and to my non existent surprise

It was a bloody site chopped body part were stuffed into plastic bags and crammed into the fridge while the blood was placed in  see through containers

As I held back the vomit in my throat I spotted a clean brown folder siting on a relative clean spot of the table

Grabbing ahold of it i opened it up

"[Revolting Palate]  What is this?, delivery due next week scheduled for" all these addresses there had to be hundreds all in dayview but what scared me the most was I recognized some of these names

[Revolting Palate]

1.Kurt boomer-one order of human legs non seasoned and two gallon of freshly squeezed human  blood

2.Jax acorn -two dozen livers seasoned with hot in spicy secret sauce and one small serving of human blood

3.janie shatter -one heart alongside five gallons of freshly squeezed urine

4.Ms.weathe-ten orders of.....etc

"Mother fuckers!"this was a godamn McDonald's for monsters clenching my fist i looked through it all there was aleast a thousand of these orders and every single one of them had one thing in common their preference of human flesh

Here in dayview city the population was 50,000 if you take in account  the monster on the list two percent of the total population were monsters not counting those that didn't  show up here

I stashed the folder in my jacket as I looked for other things I could find moving into what I assumed was the living room

I found nothing other then trash and his pile of dirty flannel nothing moving on I decide to check the basement

There it was another sorry sight piles of bones  made up a throne sitting infront of a old tv leaning against the throne was a club drenched in blood

As I picked up the club it was heavy but somehow not unswingable


Swinging the damn thing I shattered the throne and destroyed his tv

"Fuck you jessie" as I was about to leave I saw something under the remains of the throne digging my hands inside I pulled a black case out

Dropping the club I slowly opened it a golden glow made my eyes struggle to see but there it was a pile of gold bars 

"Heh at least you were good for something" closing it I picked up the club and made my way out and  upstairs

There was only one room up here Jessie bedroom gripping the club I opened it 

Out of all the rooms in total this was by far the worse one and I haven't even checked the restroom yet

The odor was incredible potent my eyes were stinging just being in here

Dirty loincloth were left everywhere on the floor and flannels were stained with what I assumed were shit staines

Shaking my head I looked through his drawers finding a picture of him next to three other trolls eating a tourist placing the photo in my pocket I  looked through the other drawer only finding small item

After checking under his bed and finding nothing but rats and roaches I looked in his closet

Which was surprising empty then I realized why most of his clothes were layed out on the ground throughout the house

But where was his phone as I looked once more nothing I even checked downstairs through the pile of clothes yet no phone in site

Sighing I decide to check the restroom expecting a full on blast of blazing disgusting  stench I prepared myself and opened the door fast

When I said I was surprised at his empty closet I was even more so shocked at what I was seeing now the restroom was clean no it looked like it was never used

There was a small layer of dust on the toilet and on the sink yet it was clean

"Bastard probably never once used the restroom " and he didn't after all there was clear signs everywhere closing it I decide time to leave but not before doing something first

Standing infront of a burning house John smiled "I hope you rest in hell" as I left and drove back to the hotel

Once back in the room I pulled out the picture and stapled it in my notebook

As I looked at the stained red club which I decide to keep I thought of ways to use it against monsters after all tomorrow I would start hunting down ever last one on this list to find clues on what happened to my parents

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