Raccoon theif

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Do you believe in monsters no? Me either or I used to my name is John Logan I was your average 19 years old graduate living in his parents house working in retail but things all changed in march 4th 2004
It was getting late as I stared out the window near the register as I waited for the last customer to bag up there items and leave I sighed

Everyone had expectations of what life after high school is like and to put it simply I didn't I knew I was gonna come home eat shit walk to work and repeat and the occasional talk with my dad on how my cousin is working this job while I have that job the usual

"Great" I sighed audibly as the rain fell loudly
"It can't get worse then this"only for it to start to hail

"Damnit"as I grabbed my phone behind me that I left charged before my shift only for it not to turn on as I pressed the power button over and over again

frustratedly I threw my phone hard on the ground as the loud screen crack made me realize what I done I hurriedly picked it up

As I slowly turned it around I almost cried after all I saved up some much for this phone and it was destroyed the glass was cracked and a lone green line was shone alongside a reacurring static

"Fuck" as I slipped it in my pocket I took off my purple vest that had my name tag with it
As i was about to head out

A skinny person wearing a brown flannel and dark purple nametag rushed towards me

"Wow Logan I see your about to head out but I need you to stay the janitor we had scheduled for overnight couldn't make it and normally it wouldn't be a problem but the restroom are a mess so am gonna need you to take one for the team my man"

"Look Jessie ask someone else I got to get home"

As I walked passed him he quickly got infront of me and blocked the exit spreading his arms and legs to the side he looked like a malnourished X

"John come on you can't expect me to tell the ladies to stay and clean up shit look I don't normally do this but I'll pay you overtime this time I promise"
He smiled with his yellow crooked teeth

This fucker here is my boss and so happens to be a relative of mine not only has he duped me on pay he sexually harasses my  coworkers

I can't even say how much time he's been sued and got away with it honestly till this day I don't understand how the company doesn't fire his ass

"No and if you don't get out the way in three seconds your gonna see why I won the golden gloves"

Jessie face turned pale as he moved out the way quickly honestly what a pussy as I finally got out I realized I left my charger eh whatever I have a spare at my house

If only I would have grabbed it I did infact have forgotten that was my spare

As I jogged on the wet sidewalk using my vest as a shield from the rain and the falling hail the lighting roared loudly

As I was passed by the fleeting cars one of them decided to be an asshole as they ran over a puddle near me completely splashing me in the process

As I was drenched in muddied water I stuck the finger at them

By the time I made it home it was pitch dark out the rain stopped a while back but the hail kept coming

"Home" I voiced as I saw my dads black pickup truck  on our driveway my house was not the prettiest hell it look like it will top over any time soon  but this was home

"Weird"as I saw our door wide open I raised my eyebrow but then I knew my dad probably flat out drunk and ma might just be to high to care I wouldn't be surprised if a raccoon comes out stealing  our food

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