R us

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Leaning on the walls of my base I saw Victor and sister Mary who refused to look directly at me leaving

Tossing my cigar I shut the gates

Mostly pretty empty considering on how it used to be filled to the brim

But it definitely an improvement hanging on the side of the back wall hung the huge cleaver of the eldest cyclops and next to it was  the twin clubs of the second brother

Alongside many other weapons I have collected from the one hundred confirmed Hunts

Still the one that caught my attention was a bloody soaked club recalling my nightmare I had the urge to burn the damn thing but I stopped

Out of my hundred hunts I've collected sixty weapons

Twelve were great swords sword ,five were hammers,two were spears,one a bladed boomerang,the cleaver,the twins clubs,blooded club,and the rest were short swords and daggers

They all decorated my walls other than that I had two maps one hanging and the other centered in the middle both detailing different things mainly what's in dayview and what not

Looking towards my workbench I decided to keep the furnace as it now repaired of any cracks

I use it when am forging it helps with bringing out the nature of things

Other then that the pile of cars have been broken down stripped of parts that are useful while the others I leave there just in case I need it

And finally the bedroom more of a couch then a bed but I hardly sleep nowadays so it mostly unoccupied next to it is a small table with a radio on top that I took out from one of the cars 

That's that oh also forgot to mention I have a mini fridge has a couple of coronas in there found it in here when I was cleaning up the place

Now as I scratched my scruffy beard I turned on the radio skipping over tara Miller radio channel as she spoke of the drunkin Gold bar and how the police can't sweep this one under the rug  I sighed

"Victor was right I should be more discreet" finnaly out of crappy radio channels I landed on the right one

the music of forever young played

I Opened a bottle of corona and then sat down on my couch thinking of last month when I was working a regular 9-5 after work  I would come home to a drunk dad

And my ma she would try her best to stay somber only to give in

Did I hate them... no I used to think I did but when they had me they were just kids didn't know what they were getting into

Closing my eyes I thought back to the only happy memory I had of them were we all sat at the dinner table when my father actually tried and my mother gave up the drugs things were simple back

The music was hitting hard abit too hard hence the wipping of my eyes

That evening all I did was sit on the couch listening and remember of what Used to be

Putting on my leather jacket imbued with cyclops skin I grabbed my weapons

"Anarchy come" flying through the air anarchy rushed into its holster

As I grabbed my sniper I slung it towards my back I went onto to grab six viles of explosive blessed salt a concoction I made hidden from Victor of course

Staring toward the wall of weapons I grabbed four daggers and a short sword

Now it was time to hunt
Grabbing the key to my truck I drove out of my base and onto the streets of oldview

Passing by the black angels there eyes stopped on me for a moment before they drove off ignoring them I looked at the list and saw the name of my next hunt

"Vice president of Toys R Us Francis born

Confirmed Monster: doll Maker-has the uncanny ability to control and create dolls by using the souls of its victims

Ain't he a joy" shaking my head I didn't believe it when I saw his name on the list but hours and hours of gathering information it was true

Anyways it's going to be tricky with my increased notoriety spreading throughout dayview there no doubt the monster are learning of me

Recently my suspicions were confirmed as the last hunt started with them calling me the huntsmen a title given to me by them no doiubt belonging to my late predecessors

Huntsmen were monster hunter who travelled everywhere to kill these blood thirsty beings that infected our world but now there gone no one really knows why lore is a jumbled mess on what could have happened to them but for now it was irrelevant

Today marks the anniversary of Toys R Us as a party was being held in his mansion

Located in the richer parts of dayview it was rumored you couldn't live there without owning at least a couple million

I parked in a alley a couple blocks down from the gates of his mansion  there I saw it countless rich cars driving through his gates as they showed a invitation to the guard

How should I go about this? I thought

"Hey you Hey!! Am talking to you"turning around a man dressed in a all white tux stood infront of a rolls Royce with a flat tire

"Come and fix it I don't have all day god this is why I told my dad I wanted a Ferrari" throwing a tantrum he started kicking the car

Then an idea formed.....

Tossing the unconscious teen in the dumpster my new clothes were a bit tight but I'll manage

As I loaded the car with my equipment I changed the tire and headed towards the front gate

Showing the invitation the guard let me pass


Now this was nice turning my head I guess the saying was true the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

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