[Entry #1]

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[Enigma's Ledger]


^needs to be confirmed

*a disgusting creature that feeds on flesh ^rumor say a person can become a troll through cannibalism further information is required to confirm

*ugly in appearance their skin showcase burn marks for reason unknown  they have the ability to blend in with others not shown how they are said to be cursed by the sun and will forever be banned from the light^further observation needed

*they carry a repulsive stench often confused with axe body spray

*if encountering such monster do not face it directly

*known to be more brawn then brains these monsters are incredibly dimwittied ^lore states they was once a farmer who convinced a group of troll to kill each other by causing discourse it was said all the trolls were dead before he could drop his laddle

{possible location you might encounter}

*high in the mountains
*underneath a bridge
*desolate caves
^more observation are needed

{ways to kill it}

*once transformed back into their human form?? They weaken greatly so do their senses^any weapons seem to work in this state

*preferable means is shooting from a distance aim for the head
^first hand experience shows just to be safe shoot it until you can confirm it is dead

*if you find yourself face to face with the monster taunt it They are extremely hostile and slow minded this should give you the opportunity to tire the monster out ^more observation is required to test this theory

*old folk lore suggests these creatures fear the sun if the opportunity presents itself direct sunlight is a sure way to kill the beast ^testing required

They act just like us you couldn't tell the difference until you seen them eat your best friend

Danger rating [-E]

-if more information is shown they're danger rating will change to provide an accurate assessment-

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