Graystripe got swag

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Firestar: clan meeting! Get yaw big fat buts under the highrock!

Graystripe: yes, nyanstar. -puts red sunglasses on-

Jayfeather: whut.. :/

Graystripe: WATCH YOUR MOUTH JAYSTICK!!! -crosses arms-

Jayfeather: 0-0 did Graystripe get into the catnip?

Firestar: I dunno! Your the medicine cat -.- BTW IM GETTING IMPATIENT!

Cloudtail: draws on the cave wall with sharpies: -./ (---- look! Brightheart!

Hollyleaf: SHARPIES!

Graystripe: hey look thunderclan! I got SWAG!
-thunderclan looks at Greystripe-

Thunderclan: we... Must.. Follow.. Grey star and his awsome swag..

Firestar: WHAT!!

Greystripe: I declare this clan must be called... SWAGCLAN!

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