Warrior cats: talent show part 3!

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Firestar: hello my audience! Today we have one last performance from spottedleaf and cinderpelt singing: take a hint... To tigerstar?!
Let's start shall we...
(Please listen to song while reading, it's take a hint from victorious, search it up and play it)

Spottedleaf: why am I always hit on by the boys I never like, I can always see them coming from the left or from the right.

Cinderpelt: I don't wanna be a priss, I'm just trying to be polite!

Both: but it always seems to bite me in the-

Spottedleaf: ask me for my number, yeah you put me on the spot.

Cinderpelt: you think that we should hook-up but I think that we should not.

Spottedleaf: you had me at hello then you opened up your mouth!

Both: And that is when it started going south oh!
Get your hands of my hips or il punch you in the lips!
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint, take a hint!
No you can't by me a drink, let me tell you what I think, I think you should use a mint, take a hint, take a hint!

Cinderpelt: I guess you still don't get it so let's take it from the top.

Spottedleaf: you ask me what my sighn is and I told you it was stop!

Cinderpelt: and if you had a dime for every name that you just dropped...

Both: you'd be here and I'd be on yacht, oh!
Get your hands of my hips or I'll punch you in the lips!
Stop your staring at my- hey!
Take a hint take a hint!
No you can't by me a drink, let me tell you what I think, I think you could use a mint, take a hint, take a hint!!
What about 'no' don't you get, so go and tell your friends, that I'm not interested!

Spottedleaf: it's about time that your leavin!

Cinderpelt: I'm going to count to three and-

Spottedleaf: open my eyes and you'll be gone!

Cinderpelt: one-

Spottedleaf: get your hands of my-

Cinderpelt: two-

Spottedleaf: or I'll punch you in the-

Cinderpelt: three-

Spottedleaf: stop your staring at my!

I am not your missing link, so let me tell you what I think, I think you could use a mint, take a hint take a hint!
The end :3

Firestar: 0-0 well, that was-

Tigerstar: -faints-

Firestar: a rough way to break up. 0-0
Tell us who won in the comments!

(I will not be updating until there is a vote for the winner)

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