1.0 Sudden Arrival

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(Location: Courtyard, Paper School)

Miss Grace P.O.V.

She is surveying the courtyard, her eyes scanning every section to ensure there aren't any delinquent students standing by while the classes are in session. She is about to go to a section of the school. When she turned around for one last time to survey the courtyard, she suddenly noticed that on one of the fields was an unconscious girl, so she approached the girl's location with moderate speed. While walking towards her, she took time to see the characteristics of this girl, whom she is sure is not one of the students enrolled in her school. She has a black skirt with white leggings under them; her shoes are black and each have a black bow on them. Her hair is white that fades to a grey-ish purple and has a black "X" on her bang. She has two braids in the front that have black bows on them, and a singular black curved horn adds an intriguing touch to her appearance.

Concerned for the girl's well-being, she carefully inspects her condition before gently lifting her into her arms. With a sense of determination, she carries the unconscious girl to the nursing office of the school, intent on ensuring she receives the care she needs.

35 minutes later...

After carefully placing the unconscious girl on the floor outside the nurse's office, she quickly retrieves one of the keys she possesses for the school's various locks. With practiced ease, she unlocks the door to the nurse's office, the click of the mechanism echoing softly in the quiet hallway.

As she steps inside, the dimly lit room comes to life as she flicks on the lights, casting a warm glow across the space. Returning to where the girl lies, she gently lifts her once more, cradling her in her arms as she carries her into the nurse's office.

With a sense of urgency tempered by gentle care, she lays the girl down on one of the beds, ensuring she is comfortable and secure.

Miss Grace hesitates, weighing the options of calling emergency services against handling the situation herself. Recalling the recent incident at the school and the desire to avoid further attention from authorities, she decides to rely on her own knowledge of medicine to assist the unconscious girl.

As she tends to the girl, Miss Grace's thoughts drift to the absence of a school nurse and the events that led to the previous nurse's departure. Memories of Miss Circle and her colleagues' sinister activities resurface, reminding her of the dark undercurrents lurking within the school.

Pushing aside these unsettling thoughts, Miss Grace focuses her attention on the girl before her. With a calm yet inquisitive demeanor, she addresses the unconscious figure.

"Who are you, truly, girl?" she murmurs softly, her gaze fixed on the girl as she patiently awaits her awakening. Settling into a chair beside the bed, Miss Grace prepares to offer assistance and support once the girl regains consciousness.

4 Hours Later...................................

As Miss Grace's eyes twitch with the frustration of the hours wasted watching over the unconscious girl, she grapples with the realization that her plans for the day have been derailed. As the principal of the school, she knows that every teacher is occupied with their classes and tasks, leaving her with no clear solution to her current predicament.

Despite the time lost, Miss Grace manages to achieve some progress by contacting one of her trusted contacts to inquire about the girl's identity and her potential guardians. With a sense of determination, she resolves to confront the girl's parents if they indeed exist, adamant about giving them a piece of her mind for leaving their daughter without proper supervision.

As she awaits the girl's awakening and the information from her contacts, Miss Grace begins to formulate her next steps. With a mixture of anticipation and resolve, she prepares to address the situation head-on, determined to ensure the girl's well-being and hold those responsible accountable.

Little did she know that this encounter would mark the beginning of an educational journey for our dear Rasazy, one that would test the very fabric of reality and reshape the course of This Alternate Fundamental Paper Education forever.

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن